Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

1 and perpetuall (juide. \-18_·•_ Pfophettothis purpofe-,Ifa. 55· z. H~arkcn diligently untome, and eate ye th&t rrhich.u.good: unleffc we cate it, it will doe us no good . · · Thirdly, the faithfull have~eenwont toapply all to themf~lves; as every member.of the body drawe5 nourifhment from the fiomacke, to make it his owne: to which the Apofi:le alludes, Eph. 4· r6." So the Difciples of our Saviour did, Math. 26. 2. r, Zl, When our Saviour had faid, that one of them lhould betray him, they were exceeding forrowfull, and began every one of them to fay untohim; Lord, is it I? · And furely, the want ofthis aEplication,is one great caufe that theWord profits not, beca~fe they beleeve it not, nor apply the Warp unto themfelves: Heb,. 4.. 2. The word preached did not projit them, 6ecaufo it t1.:J4 not mixed with faith in them tha.t heard it. • Now on~principall worke of faith,is to apply thofe things that are delivered in the Wo~d:But this, the moft hearers doe exceedingly faile in; either not applying,or miC-applying ofthe truth; fhifting off all uponother~, and taking little or nothing to themfelves . 1\.s wc:;e .havea notable example; of this,Rom. I. ult. compared withR~m. z. I. Inthe former place, the Apofi:lc fpeakes of fome,thar' knowing the judgement of God,That thofe that doe fuch things, areworthy ofde~th; yet not onely doe fuch things, but take pieafure in thofe that doe ·them: yet .in the beginning 9f the next Chapter, you find the fame men judging I and condemning of others ~ yet thinking and (n 3) per.. I