Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

' I ' ' f _____ er_· h _c Saints fore" ----i V\lhy ;what is rh~ danger ?-H9wJhall wee efcape,if wee negleEf: fo great Salvation J . " ~ ' The feconcl <dutie, Mcd1taz· Wee muft meditate and- ferioufiy t-hinke ef that that wee have heard ; that is-more than remembring. There is.a greatdeale ofdifference betwixt the poffeffing of goods, and the u{ing , and imploying of them fo.r our benefit; bet~~ixt the laying up of garments inourWardrobes,and thewcaring of them upon om backes)to keepe us warme:.this latter is done by meditation. Prov.6a. 1., 2 2, 23-. My fonne, h.inde t.he,Commandements conti– nuatly upon thy. heart., and ,tie 'them Ahout thy necl.:e·-: Itis a ph rate ofipaech borrowed from garments that are bot1nd about the body; for meditation bindes tbe Word clofc to the heart. It is fa id of lVlary.,Luke 2.19.•. thatjbee fNJndertd the words of the A.ngel iiz ner heart: and David was frequent . in this dntie, Pfa!. r J 9. I 5. I,vi!l meditate in thy .Precepts (faith he:) .And it was Pau/s advice to Timothy) I T im. 4· I· 5. Meditate upon theft thing.r, g,i'T.(e thyJelje wholly to .them) that thy proftti;;g mAy appeare to all.. · ' · Firfr, t,bi·s is theway eo make n1en prqfi t by the . \Nord of God; and that fo evidently, that ail may take. notice of il:, this is-one. great benefit of . the-Word meditated upon, Iofh. I. 8. Thou fhalt meditate in theEoo,te af the l,aw day and night: To wr~t end ? ~hat t hot~ m.tyeff ohJerve t-O doe according / to (1./l that ifwdtten therein. • . Secondly,thiscourfcwill argue,tmfained love,,' ' llntG> the Word, Pp!. 1 19.97· Oh howllot·eth),~Aw,' my meditat.ion.allthe day•. \ Thirdly,