Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

·l' . I 8 I ',_ \fheSain.ts·fore, unto.thc end , .ltntill it brint,him tG immort~Jitie and Light; thAt no. man can attainc unttJ : Thy teHi– moniu ha1-·e 1 Mken as A.n herit~Zge for et'er,for theyare the rejoycingofmy heart .:: 1 have inclined-my heart to· : per[Qrme t.hy S,tat.utes alway, tvm to the end.. · , Thus you fee in.gcneraU the mea-ning of this: · Portioa. · Before now I defcend unto particulars ~ and $itemarkes cocliftinguith come to garhe.r N.otcs fcveraily from the Verfes ' a godly man inorder; letvs take notice, I bcfeechyou,(forour , and anhypoinll:. ru&ion andexamination ofourow-nc·foules) critc. ' 1 , · of fixe notable .markes, an<i fignes, by which a · 11 tr.ue Chriftian may be difc~rned from a Tempq– rizer, ; a·fihcere_. fe.rvcr ofGod·,. f.rom a carnall · Gdfpeller. · . · . . 'fl'tr{.·IO$, The firfi:T gather dut of the firfi:Verfe: Every fonne and fe.rvant ·of God doth with b~umilitie, chcarefltlnc-ife; and obedience, yecldand fubmit hirnfelfe t'o bewhollyand onelydireCted andgui~ ded by the Light orGndsWord,inall his wayes, both genera_lly,ofChr-ifi.ianiri(l~ and partieLtlarly, of his fpeciall ca]ling; af1.Da'llid here-did. But · : A gedly man is guided by tha Word in all his wayes. ' . i I A natu·rall the nnt~.trall man, thott -is not yet entrcd into,-or mannQta·t:~lh acquaintedwith the fiate of Grace, is led and gui– ded inbis courfes onelyby the Light of Reafon,- ' and·worldly vVifedomc ; by ·good Meanings, w~rhout grmmd ·and 'warrant 0ut of theWord. · byablind and ignor<tnt Devotion; by the Mu1~ titude, Examples, Cu.tlome ·of the Times;and fuch likeblind (;uides·: But ifhe takeaay-aclv1ce·. and direltionout of theWordofGdd, it is but in part, byhalfe.s, andfor.a time9A·.fecond !--------~----------------------~--------~