Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

andc. perpetuall ·(juidc: ~ ----------------~~------=-~~~- --- --~.--~ nevcrtobe raced·out by·nun,.or UeviU; all. the· A Chrifiian r.. d · · ··r. f r i · d •man hath fuch · l'WCCt an grac1ons! promues §> 1_'1. '{atton at~ afl'ul!ance in comfort revealed, are fure·his owne.: So that the good thencehe knQwes,ancl .1s.pcrfi'V~ged u_ndoqbcecUy~ ,thins~ or the r:. . " d 'lld r. . t.· ·c. · -woddtocome, that aftera IC\'V an CVl ayes !P~rit.m ~l1ts'n11~;.e- ~hat he can ea. rable life,he!iball rem(JJne'and Jeigneet~rnally· in ~!Y mode_rax~ I 1 ~f G d f et. '· 11. I t: . 1 " I ffi d·s .. . haaffctbons t.le g ory o o .,o . - ~Jt'ln__ e~u~,tJe o. e .€ · · pra' touching nt,and theholy_Angels, BtH lt ts,onber.w!lCWHh earth ly ~ nd the carnall -Gofpeller ; .Jqr what(~ev~r . fbew l) r' tr~nfi~ow: fi . h k ,.,. " ~ . .- .l . d thwg . pro.te ll'tlOO.. e·m.a e.s tOty.J{;~_9Jltrary,.xe~tuu~e It ib o~herwife in his heart,aifeWQDS)ilt)d_.pra6tiGe,_., ·he,@ .-pre&ifr~~- w~th ao Hypo· bis . pleafuh~·s·jrlches;an,d profit, before l~earing> of cnte; GodsW(;}rd, fanet:ifying hi~ Sabb'aths;. ~nclo_be; diencc to)mis. Command~ctnts '(·~Aoo Df). marr Andwhy? veil: for becal1fe hee yet never ltved the llfi.hz5 r . faidt:, l:hittis a:rneere:ifhingC1i ito:tllt0 rnyaeri~of 1 godJin~f{e,,hecJiath,n<liti'.lie>iots'r;e.(lu_ottf~~·nd a·f.~ ' - furance in the joyes ofan!3ther;WorJd;:~b~l.tbore ,f~re:fecds:bne!r:an~:.fil~sJjj~lf~lfd.w.itt: ~firD?ie 1 a.nciear#Tlif.;[! zr~c~ _. !'1 :flcrrt I ! ~ j . · jNumi be~etrl£y6n 1 ...belaved :in ,G}hri·ft·!efits) · : l~_t. c~e~·y ?~c w~th fingleh:el{ieof heart .an~ ·(!nee~ !– ntte~x- an?t?ehts f~wrre Snt;le ·anH_LtheJfpltJ~ttall _jl Ra~e<ofh.Is<G0nklen:ce~by ihufe[g~gne~~nd JM:arksi· \'trluch l royou,.out oftheex-=: . an1ple,apcl:precedencie of the' £br:i£Hat{ affe'tli"",: ons and holy difpo!ition of David, 1a fan&ifie.d . rnan~ and_a_r;r:indpalLp~ttetl1e o£pie~ie anm~eoalc ~ ~or aHrfa!rhfull011~s.. ~(~-cw.yQu _m~ ( f~irt;~ ~herApb~\·,·cDr. 13 . ~-~ - fHe). that IefttoChrtfJ ~nn yo~ , e:~cept J'W1Vt.. r.epr(}- ' · bates t So nndoubtedly, if Iefns Chrj{fbc"in you,.i(~o~ be:ofiV4:lVids ~e.ll1per~ :rliat 0 .. IS, _. I 1: