Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

;:t Cfhe S~tints fore ~r tatle of the endleffc joyes thereof; they have no companie or conference in heavenly-matters with true Chriftiaos ; they have no comfort or int.erefl: in the Covenant of Grace>or Promifes of Salvation: But Feare, Horror, and Defpaire are moft juflly treafurcd up for themag,ainft the Day '1{9m.s. s, of wrath,·4-nd of the declarAtipn ,f tht ;uft Iudgemc:nt of G1d. · He knewes z l-Ie thAt w~tlketh in the D-~trkene!Je .(faith lohn) not whither knoweth not whither he goeth : He cannot difcerne he g4lcs. his w.ay; he feeth not what is behind, or before loh.U.3J• him; he cannot delcry or difcover the dangers whi~h are rouna about him: But efpecially, if thew.:tyes through which he paffeth, be llipperie, il:eepe, and rockie, full of pits and holes, he is in dang~r at every ftep, by fome grievous fall, to crufhhis body, bruife his bones, or breake his The ftate o£ necke. It is jufi: fo with every one that lives in igaotant men. ignorance of Gods Word,and Trath; .he cannot ' poffibly difcerne the way to Hcaven,among£1: the many by-paths of iniquitie; he cannot judge in fpirituaH matters betwixt right and wrong,good · and evili,Light and Darkenelfe,Chrift andBelial, . prophaneneffe and finceritie ; though there be behind. him; a Life fpent in much wickedndfe, lewdnelfe, and ignorance ; before him,Defpaire, Hell, and eternall Damnation ; about hi~ the ·World, with a thoufand baites and pleafures, to ·-intice and intangle him in finne; Sathan, like a roaring·Lyon, readie every houre to feize upon . his Soule,and to teare it in pieces, while there is none to helpe; all the creatures armed, and in a readindfe,