Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

48 g-he Saints fore ' owne Name, in his deferved overthrow;and jufl - confufton. "4 _ A "fourth Motive may. be ; That horrible and A fear.cfull fearefull puni!hment and defirucHon, which at judgement length wtll.cerrainely befall all negiigent and fuall befall the no·t hearers .contemptuous .hearers, and thofe that prattife and pradifers not the power thereof in their lives and converfa.- efthc: Word. Matb.~o.14,1 ~• tions. whnfoever (faith our bleffed Saviour) fha!t mt receh.:eyou,orhe•reJ9UY.Il11Yds,; whenyee depart out pf that houfe, or that Citie, fhtike off the :dr~je:nfyaur feet: Truly 1fay unto you) it fha!l be eafterfor them of the Lttnd of sodome and G1morrah , in the Day of IudgemeHt, than fqr thllt Citie. The infamous abominations,the damnable and .crying ftnnes ofthe Sodon1ites are knovvne unto all:: Who hath not heard of thofe flouds of fire and . Brimfrone, / which fwept them away, as the hatefullell: creatures that ever lived upon the Earth? How rufuU then, and h<;>w lamentable will be their condi- -rion, who are Iyable and fubjeCt to more horrible plagues than thefe? Wee fuouid·therefore confider, that the negligent, irreverent, and unprofi- · table hearing of the Word of God, is a finne of a farre greater weight, and more fearefull confe- ' quence, than we ordinarily imagine.' Whenwee ' heare the Minifrer.s, and Ernha.ffadours of God, i delivering his mind, and reveali-ng his Will unto us,out of fuch pla~es as thefe,we are to conceive, I that in a neerer and more fpeciall manner, wee fiaqd in the prefenc~ -of the great God ofHeaven and Earth, who is clothed with infinite tcrrour, power, and majefi.ic; and thereafter, we ought to proporti()n