Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

An[w•. t . It is God ~ goodndfe,to fpeake to tls byml!n>like tQ out felves. Bxod. zo, T9· '}; - I It i$l1is love ! h to hoi,'IOU~ I n.unki r1d,:1s to make men .his .Err.b:~tra~ do~Ars. 'The Saints fore· publifhcd by an Angel, o.r an Apoftle, ~r fome· more excellent and powcrfuH rneanes, and Em– ba!fadours, wee tpou-Id more eaillyand-willingly -h~are,beleeve,and dbey theru. 1t is Gods greatm~rcie unto:us, that ·it' pleaferh him fo fa.r.re_to.conqitcend tO· our infirmitic:-, as toopen untO <lls-therich·Treafures of. his hea– venlyWord, by. me~.-1 oftheJfame condition-and fr.ailtie, and fubjeCl: to the fame,pa-ffions wnhour felves. , Hec might by terrible and 'afioniChing Voices, out ,0f Lightnings,Thunders,and E~rthq~lakcs)ablexo breaN:e the hardcfi Rocks,and fiony Mmmrainc<;, (as hedid in the giving of the Law) force Lts to obedience : Or·he might fend his An.. - g.~ Is, armed w·itb power and puifliincc, to execute prefent vengeance upon all thofc wh ich doe .not prefcntly ft1 bmit thcmfdves to the Scepterpf his Chrift, and Soveraignti e o f his \'Vord. BL1t in I g r:~atmcrc!eand comp~ ~iiof-1 unto us,he~ chufeth rather to teach usbya fttll and fofr Vo1Ge; by a I more f:1ire,familiar,and :fit in!l: ru ttion fOt us;even by fuch as our felves, ofour mvne nature, frail tie, 40d.condition. , Herein he lbcwcs his great fovcunto us, in that he vouchfafeth tO· put ·his .fearefull and -glorious vVord into the mouth-of a mortaR and finfi1Il man. What an honour and advancement is it unto mans nature, unto mankind; that -the hi~gh :tnd mightic·~ God of Heaven and 'Earth fhou!d Gngle them o~1t for fo glormu·s a fcrvice; fan cri– fie,their Tongues, to deliver his good -pleafme, . anrl new@s·of fah•ation unto ·the.fonn~s-ofmen-·?' ·, That ·; . t~