Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

v! Thfbourfeof true Happineffi. talker ofaman that is old, entring againe into his mothers wombe : from whence he fhould certainely returne with a doubled pollution and corruptionof nature; and oncemore the childofSatan then he was before. But fo it is, where the heart is not feafonedwith faving grace; let the underfian- ding be never fo great with fwelling knowledge,theprat`}i- call powers of the foule never fopregnant wich wifedome andpolicy, and perfeaed with morali vertues ; yetthere is nothing tobeexpeaed from that man inmatters andmyfie- ries of fàlvation, but darkenefíe and blindneffe, childifhnefie and fiupiditie. Fourthly, theyoungman in the Gofpel maybee a fit in- fiance for our prefent purpofe. He was unreproovable in the externall jufcice and outward obfèrvances of the fecond ta- ble, wherein civili honefly doth principally confif};but how farre he was from inward fanóification, the flare of grace, and happinefhe ofGods children, appeares in the fiory. For when the facredand powerfull wordsofour bleffed Saviour, had infinuated into the fecrets ofhis foule, and fiucke at his fweet fmne ofcovetoufneffe;theyoung man isprefentiy call into a fit ofmelancholy : Chrift is tooprecife a Preacher for him, he cannot digefl fuch a aria and fevere courfe : he will not abandon his pleafures of woridlineffe, his Palaces, his poffeflions, to followChrifl the Lord ofheaven andearth in this life,though heaffure him of the rich treafures of eter- nal bleffedneffe in the life to come:When theyoung man heard thatPaying, hee went awayforrowfull: for he hadgreat pot jo- ens. Wherebywe may fee, that aman maybe civilly honeff and uncenfurable in outwardworkes ofjufiice, and yet har- bour andnourifh fome clofe corruptions, and fweet fnne in his heart : from which rather thenhee will part,heewill lofe hispart in Chrifi, thebottomleffe fountaine of endleffe joyes and comforts, and his portion of unvaluable glory in the new Ierufalem. Thispoint being thusmanifefl, for conclufion I will lay downe certaine differences, betwixt the righteoufnefleof faith and fanetification,and the ri.ghteoufnefleofcivill hone,- za 4 Matth. i9.