Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

88 I. DifcourfeoftruehAppineffl. faith ; quit thy felf like a man,andbeftrong; gird thy fword uponthy thigh; buckle fait unto thee the whole armour of God; ride on, becaufe oftheWord of Truth ; and the Lord thy God be with thee. Break thorow for a while withun- daunted courage, thebitternefie ofthe worlds malice; the keen razours of impoyfoned tongues ; the tears and tedi- oufneffe ofafew andwretched dares ; for thou art neerer the price ofthe high calling, thenwhen thou firft beleevedit : Shinemore and more infaith,in patience, in love, in know- ledge,obedience,and all other Chrifliangraces,untill theper- feaday ,untill thou reach theheight of heaven, and the full gloryofthe SaintsofGod. I nowproceed more diftinetly to other markes ofdiff-- rente, betwixt the fiate of grace and formal]. hypocriiìe." Some notes ofdiftìnetion for my purpofe may be raifed out ofthofeplaces of Scripture, which I propofed, for to ac- quaint youwith thekindsof perfedion,and degrees ofgood neffè ; wherof a manas yet unregenerate is capable and may be partaker, In the 8. of Luke, the hearer refembled unto the ffony ground,is the formali hypocrite.He receives the word ofGod . with joy; as doth the faithful]. Chriftian though not in the fame ineaftire. But here is thefpeciall point and mark that differennceththe one from the other.The wordand faith inthe formali hypocrite have no roots : They are not deeply and foundly rooted andplanted in his underftanding,coufcience, thoughts,affe&ions and actions. Firft, They are ndt rooted and faftned in his underfian- ding, by thole two facred and gracious habits, which are called by theApoftle,Col.t. 9.zophh andcuiìe7 :s Irvsuuala:Hea- venlyknowledge, or fpeculative wifdome in the myfieries offalvation : And fpirituall prudence, cr a fän&iked under- {landing in thepraeticall affiirsof the foule. Tbef two, as I conceive;for divine Revelations,and matters ofheaven, an- :7Pr ina proportion to thole two intelleetuall habits, SB- pientia rind Prsrdentí4, mentioned by eflriftotle, eth,6. for natural) Truth,anj civili actions. SSpeitia, you knowout of they