Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

To the Reader. wartneneffe andwant of thorowneffeandfincerity in for- mallprofefrs. s for thefirft` : By our horrible finites and hatefull ingratitudefor mercies without meafure, andmiraculous deliverances, wegrowfo heavyupon the Lord, thatwee prephim, and the bowels ofhis tendereft compafion, as a cart is preffed that is full of (heaves ; fo that it im- pofible,6ut thatJhortly,(withoutgreat humiliationandge- nerallrepentance) wefhould wreft out ofhis hands the vi- als ofhu lait wrath,andforce him tocomeagainft us with thebeefomeofutter defolation. It is tobefeared(fogrie- vous andenleffe is the impiety and impenitencyof this land) that hisforbearance in themean time, if not for any hope he bathafar (for what goodbath a durable and extraordinaryplaguedone uponuo?) but onely by reafon ofthe cruelland implacable infolencieo f ourenemies ; be- cafe bee is loath to makeas a prey to the wolves ofRome, andmatter oftriumph to filch amerciles andmurtherous generation. Who knowes,but that the Match hadreached unto the Powder, badnot the Lord (out ofthe bottom- leffe depth o fhùunlimitedmercies) layd hold upon his owne Argument ? Deut. 32.26,27.I have faid,I would fcatter them abroad , I would make their remem- brance toceafe from amongft men ; fave that I feared the fury of the enemie, left their adverfaries fhould waxproud. Left hisandour adverfaries,(tkofe breathing devils,the Gun - powder Papifts),fhouldtooproudlyandbar- barouJly have infultedin the ruines ofhis people , andthe banilhmentofhisglorious GaJßel. The Lordgive us un derjtandinghearts to confider thefe things in time, left bee come upon Ns with his wrath, never more bee appealed, andteare us inpieces, when there is none to helpe. May any