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I, !6 T!J1 Corruj'>lion .of the MemDrJ. State II. naturally is q,uite ufelefs in that point; ~ein.g cafl: into fuch · a d~ep fieep, t~at .n~thing but a f11ving illumination .from the Lord, can f ct it on work in _matter. The light of th_e 'natural cgnfcien,ce in good and evil, !in and duty,.i.s . v~ry defetli've:: ~heref9re tho ~ it rpay check ~<.?r grofler.{ins; yet as ·to the mo.r.~.fuhtile work~ngs of fin, ,it c'a{JD9t che.~~ for the11,1, .becaufe it difceros them not. Thus confci.ence Wfll fly in t~e fa,e of11;1aGy,. if at an i time they ~e dru_nk, fwear, negl_ett pra~er, O'\: b~ .-gui !ty of a_ny ·,grofs fin ; who othet;wife have a profound peace; tho'.~ they live io &he fin of unbeli~f, ar.e fi.rangers t'o fpiritual worfh-i p, - ~nd the lifeof ., fait~. Al}d light beingd~u._t,fa.iot.,and lang.uifhing _in many things w.~ich ir d_oth ! ~a~h, . C?nfci<;nce in that ca(e f.hoots ijke to one's fide,' whic~ q~ickly g.oes o:ff; :it~ inc;:itementqQ duty,,..and checks for and . Hrugg1es ag~tjn~ fin, are v.ery r~m i fs, ~b.icp tl,le natural m.a.n eafil.y .. ~ets over. But becaufe there is ~ f_dfe )jght, ii? the dark .roind / the oa ~ confciep~e f~Howing the fa_me, will ca_II ,ev;f;.gqo4,. and good evil, Ifa. v. ~o. J~ nd fa .,it is often found) ~k~ ·a :blind :.~od fu,rious horfe, .,violeotl y run down: ll;i~f.el~, his rider, and a!J th,at cloth C.9~.e in his ·way, J ohn xvL 2. /l tfhojoewr h~l!eth )'O,u, ry.ui/Lthink tk4.,t h,e doth .Godj;.r.t•ice. \\' be'n the na tural coofcience is awt~,k,ened by the fpi,tit .:of conv iction, it will iodee.d rage ,and .ro r e, · ~nd put the whof7 · tr:an ·in a d,readful, :~.wfut1y . fumroon all the po we~s of the foul to help in ~ flrait; m~ke theJtiff h~art to trembl e, and the knees to bow; fet the eyes~ weeping, the t ongue a confeili9g; and oblige ·.the ·man to cafr out the r.oods into the fea, which it apprehends are like to. fink the t11 ip of the f~.,m i , tho' the heart frill goe~ ~fter them. But y et it is _an evil confcience , which natively leads to defpair 1 ;t r.d will .do it effd l:uall y' .as in 7 udaJ's cafe; unlefs ei ~her ' . , ,' .• , I ' )ufls prevail over i,t, ,t o iull it ?-11 (! ep, as in'th.e cafe of Fe!ix, Act~ xxiv. 2) • .o r thebi ood of Civift .prevaiiover it, fpri,n k'· ling and purging it ft(Jm dead works, as in the cafe of ~ll t r ue conv_e rts,1 H eb . ix. 14. ane~ x~,, 2 3. , , Lajlly, Even the ~emory bears evident mai k~ of th!s c?r– ruption. v\' ha.t is good_and w_Qrt~y to be minded, as it mii kes but flender impr,eCton, fo that tmpreffion eafily wea rs off; -the memor jf 1 as a. leak:ing ~dfel, lets it flip , lf.eb. ii. 1. ,As a f ~ v e , that is full when i n lhe water, lets all ,go wh et) . it