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Head n. a Staft ~I ' Wrath. . I q _, with the fling of God's indign3,tion in it. They are all cords ofdeath_, fent before to bind the prifoner! 2d/y, There is wrath upon his foul, (1.) He can h'ave.. no commur.ion with God; ·he isfoo!ifh, imd /hall notjla:zd :. \ -itJ· Cod's liffht, Pfal. v. s. When ,1dam finned, God turnJ 'o . ed hia1 out Of paradife:- and n.atural in eo are,-~s A,da·nileft them, ban i{hed from the gracious pr efer.ce of the Lord ; 1 ;~nd can ha-ve ·no accefs to him in that ftate. · There is war petw.ixt ~eaveri and them; and fo all commerce is cut ofE They dre··rwit!;out Godin 'the '7.vo·rJd, Eph. ii. I 2. The fun is :gooe down on them, and there is not the leaft glimpfe offavour towardsthem from.beaven. (2.)'Hencethefoul is·left to pine away 'ih its ioiq'uity. The natural d~rknefs . of their minds, ·.the averfenefs to dp goo'd in their ;wills, th~ ' diforder oft heir affeCtions, and diil:emper of the~r 'cqnfciefol· ces, and :all their natural. plagues, are l,eft upon them in a. penal way; a1~ d being fo left, increafe daily. · G?d c<1fts a portion of worldly goods to them, more or lef~ ·i as a.bor.e is ·thrown to a ·dog, : huealas r- his 'wrath againfl: them ap· pears, in that they get no grace. The Phy!ician of·· foul-s I '-' comes _l:,y them, and goe,s by them,. aryd cures others betide them; , whiie they are.confuming away in their_ij)iquity, and ripening daily for .utter deHruClion. (3 .) They ly open to fdrfqi ·addi tional plagues on their fouls, even in this life. r. · Sornetime.s they meet- with deadning fhokes ;- fiJent blows · from the h~. nd of a11 angry God; arrows of wrath that enter into their ftmls without· ooi!e, · Ifa. vi. 10. J~ltJk'e the heart ()[this pe-ople (at,· and make 'thei~ ' ean heavy, and /hut their eyes, lefl they fe·e_'rwith their eyes, &c. God fhives with them for a while, and c_onv!Cl:ions -enter their confcjences ; . but they rebefagainfl: tite light: and by a fecret judgment they ar~ knocked on the-head;. fo thaJ, from that· time, they do, as it were, live and rot above ground. Their hearts . · are deadned ; -their afletlions withered; their confeiences flupified; and their whole fouls .. blaHed; cajl. jortb a1 a /, and withered, John xv: 1-6. The-y are plagued with judicial biindnefs. They {hut their eyes ~g·ainft the light, and -they are given over to the devil, the god of this world, to be blinded more, 2 f:cr. iv. 4 Yea: Cod fends them flrong de!ujion, that they jhou!d believe a lie, .' 2 Theff. ii . .11 . t'Ven c~njcienr;e, like a falfe light on the ihore, leads K 2 · them