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Head U. The Dot!rine Of the State ofWrath, &c. I I7 again, and never die ; that thou mayfi be ever dying, /n _ the hands of the living Cod. Cold ·qeath will quench thtl fla~e of man's wrath ,again!l us, if nothing eife do it: btlt 1 God's wrath, when it has come on the finner millions nf ages, will !fill be the wra~h t_o come, J)fatth. iii: 7. 1 'Thej[. . i. ·to. As the water oi a river is fiill coming, how,much f~.-~- · ever: ~f it has pa!fed. While God is, he will purfue ~~}e quarrel •. Laflly; Howfoever dr-e~dtul it is, ·and th·o~ it be eternal, yet it is moll: jufi wrath: it is a clear frre, without the lea(l fmoke of ir.juflice. The fea of wrath raging with greate~ fury againft the· finner,' is deu as· cryfial. The Judge of all the earth can do no wrong• . Be: ' knows no · tranfports of paffion, f9r they are inconGftent with the per.. fection of his nature• . Is God unrightuius, who taluth .ven· 1 · ttance ? (1jpfak ara. man) God forbid; for then, ho~ Jha/1 God judge the w~rld ..( R<Om, iii. 5, 6. . The Dofirine· of the State Gf Wrath cmfirmed an~ vindicated. • n: t fh"ali coofirm1he-·doCl:rine. Conlider (I .) How pe· remptory the threatning of the firfl covenant is; in the day thou eatefi thereif, thouJhr!ftJtt,rely die, Gen. ii. I7. Here~ by fin a.nd punifhment being connected, thev:eracity of God afcertains the execution.of ·the threatning. Now all men being by nature under fhis covenant, ·.lhe bre~ch of it lays them under the curfe. ( 2.) The j u~ic~ of God requires that a child hf fin !>e a child of ; th'at the law bein: · broken, the f~netion thereof !boLJid t~ke place. God, as .man's Ruler and Judge, cannot but do right, Gen. xviii. 2 5. Now it is a righteous thing with God to recompenfe fin wit,~ Wl'atb, 2 'Thej!: i. 6. He is ofpurer eyu than t~ behold evil, H2b. i. 13 . .And he hat~s all the•workers of iniquity, Pfal. v. 6. (3.) The horrors of a natural confcience provethis., 'J'here is a confcience i~ the breafts of men, which can tell tllen1, they at~ finners; and therefore liable to the wrath of God. Let men. at any time, foberfy commune with them– felves, and ;the:y will find they have tl';,e witnefs in them~ felves, knowing thejudgment of L7od, that tlfey<Lvhich commit }uch thi11gs are worthy ofdeath, Rom: i. 32. (4.) The pangs , of the new birth, the work of the fpirit of bondage onelect fouls ia·order to thdr converuon. demonArate this. Here· ~ by ..