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Mead U. . . confirmed and ·vindicated. ··n .., are·in his eye acts of ho,fiility. . Thou haft brought forth tqy 1ufi into the field of battle againfi: thy fovereign Lor~l. And now, that thou art fuch a criminal, thy condemnatiqn . is jufl: : for, befides the fin of thy nature, th9u haft done that againll: heaven, :which if thou had done a~ainfi r;uen,, thy Iife ·behoved to .have gone for .it ; and lhall not wrath from heaven ov~rtake thee? ( t.) Thou .art guilty of high treafon, .and ~ebellion: againfl: the Ki~g. of heavteo. The thought and 'Yifh of thy heart, which he .knows as well ,as the language of thy.mouth, has been, no God, .-Pfal. xiv. •. Thou haft rejeCted his government, blown the tr.umpet, .and tet up the fl:andard of rebellion againfi: him ; being one .of thefe that fay, I:Jie wiI! not have (hiJ. tnan to reign over ut_, Luke xix. I 4• Thou haft .firiven againll: and quenched his Spirit~ praCtically difowned lws law.~ proclaimed by his mdfen~ers ; flopped thirre ~ars at their voice, and fent them away mourning for thy pride. Thou hafi .confpired with,his .. grand enemy ~he d~,yi-1. Although thpu at t .a fworo fervant · _ ..;f the King of gloty.;,~ daily receiving of his .favours, and : 1 Jiving on his bounty ; thou art holding , a .,correfpondenc~, ' and hafl: contr_?Cl:ed a friendfhip with his greatefi enemy', ane art a-CtingJor him_ againilJhy Lord,; · . for-il;e lujlJ ofthe devilye r:wi/1 .'(/o, .:John viii . 44 · {? ·)Thou art a murderer ,· before the Lord • . ·Thou· hafi )aid the fiumbling · block of thine iniquity before the blind world; and·ball: ruined the' fouls ·of thy finfql cQur(e . · And.tho' thou doll not , fee now ; the tiiflemay come, when:thou- !halt fee the blood , of thy relations,-,_nei'ghboUt:s, acquaintances a'oa others, ·u,p– on thy head, Mqtib: xviii . '/. l¥o unto the rz.uorld becauf~ tJf offenceJ- . Wv to that man by <TJJhom the P,.{fence com~th ~ :Yea, thou· art a felf-murderer hefore God, Prov. viii. .36. He that jinneth againjl me, wrongeth his own foul; ail they' dbat h,a.te,;.~ze, love death: Ezek. xviii·. 3·(. Why rr.JJ.illye ,die '·? The laws of men go as far as they cao.againfi the felf- mur– derer, deAyiog'· h,is Oody a .burial- pface amongft, .and coD6fcating his goods : what wonder is it the law of God is fo fevereagainfi:- foul-murd~rers? Is. it firange, that they who :vill needs depart from-God no~, coil: what it will, be forced to depart from him at ]aft, into everlalling £re ? But what is yet more criminal, thou art guilty of the murder of the Son of God, for the Lord will reckon the.e " amor.gfi:\