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·Head H. conjir1Jud and vindicated. 121 Luke xix. ~o, 2 I. rholl art that man, even thou wHofe objeCtion I am anfwering. ·How can the wrath thou art un– der, and liable w, be too great, 'whi!e yet .it is not (uffici– eot to awaken thee to fly from it ? Is it tin.e to ~lax the penalties of the !aw,_1when me~ are t.rarnplii1g the commands of it under foot ?' (3.) Confider h"ow God dealt with his own Son, \vhom he .!fared not, Rom. viii. 32. The ~vratl1 of God feized oo his foul and body both, and bro111ght him into th~ dull of death. That 'his fuffcrings were not eter– nal, •flowed the quality of the fuff~rer, who was in– finite; and therefore abl.e to bear at once, the wbt1ie }o;.tcl 1 oF wrath :. a'nd upon that account, his fuffer'ings were in– finite in value. But now ~bat the fufferings of a mere cre'a– tu're cannot be infinite in value, theymufl: be1 protraC!:ed to ' an eternity. And what confidence can a tebe1 fubjctt have to quarrel (for his p:nt) a pun·illiment e}~ecute on i.h~ King1s Son? (4.) The, !inner doth againfl: Gad · what he can. Behold thou hafl done'evil things as thou couldjl, Jer. i ii. 5. That thou haft not done-more, and worfe, thanks to him who reflrained thee ; to the chain which the wolf was kept in by, not to t.hyfelf. No wonder, God, !hew his 'pow,er on the Gnner, who pms forth his power againfi Gpd, as far as it will .reach. The unregenerate man puts no period to his Goful cor.rfe; and would p'ut no bounds to it ' neither, if he v;ere not rdhained by divine power for wife ends: and therefore it is jufl: he be for ever under wrath. (5.) It is infinite majefty fin !hikes agaibft; and fo .it is, in (ome fort, an iofioite evil. Sin rifeth in its demerit, .accor– ding to the quality cl[ the pa,rty offo:!nded. If a man wound his ne ighbour , his goods mufi go for it ; but if he wouRd his prince, his life mufi go 1 to make amends for that. The irifinity of God makes infinite wrath the jufr demerit of iin. God is infinitely d'ifpleafed with Gn : and when he acts, he he muft act like hirnfe!f, ·and !hew his difpleafurc by pro– portionable means. Lafl!y, Thofe that fllallly for ever ur.– der , this wrat~, wiU be eternally finning; and therefore rnuft eternally fuffcr : not only in refpeel of divinejudicial procedure; but becaufe fin is its 'OWn punifhment, in the ' fame m!lnl:ler as hqly obedienc~ is 1~s own r~ward,. / Tht ,'