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Head rr. l)1tm·J ntitura! State etJ!P/if.d. 12 5 . . his gofpel, ~y this g~neration, qe not purfuedwi th wrath 1 on the fucc~eding one. ., UsE II. Of'e~· horta tipn. · Apd here, I. I iha'll drop'~ word to thefe who <ire yet in an unr~generate Hate. 2. T() tho fe that a're &r~ught out of it. 3· 1~o all indifferently. L To you that are yet il:l 2t1 unregenerate fiat'e, ! would· found the alarm, and warn you to fee to yourfelvesl whiie yet 'thereis hop·e.· 0 y.e children of w~ath, take no rdr in 'this dif.rnal fhi.te; but flee to Jefus Chrill; the only refuge. · . ,I-i~(le arid make ydur efcape thither. The fiate of wrath is ' too hot a climate for you to live jn, Micah ii. 10. Atifi: ;·e a~ndde/;>art)for t/~is i; not your refl. 0 finner? knowefi thou where thou art? D.oH thou not fee thy danger? ,The curfe 'has ente,ed into thy fo,ul: wrath is thy covering: .the hea· vens are growing blacker and black er above thy he:1d : the e_anh,is weary of thee, tbe pit is opening her mouth for thee ; and fhould the thread of thy life be cut this moment, thou art thencefonthpafl: all hopes for ever. Sirs, if we f;;.w you puttinga cup-of poiJon to you-r mouth; we would fly to you ·and ·fn:nch'it out 0f your hands. lfwe {aw the :houfe on fire about you·, whjle ye were fa(Ldleep in it; \ye would \'u.n to y_ou-,. and drag you <i>Ut of it, But alas ! ye are in .t~n. thou.fand times greater haz\lrd; yet we can do no more out tell you -your danger; invite, exhort, befeech, and ob– ~'eft ·you~ to lo_o.k to yourfelves; and lament your flupidity and ob{l.ioa,cy, when we cannot prevail with you to dke · w~rning; If there ·were no hope of your recovery; we fuou!d · be filent ; and would not torment you before the time : but · tho' ~ye be loft and uAdone, there is hope in lfrad concern– ing this thing. Wheref~r e, I cx.y unto you in the name of ·– the L.ord, ,and in ,tbe words of the Prophet, Zech. ix 12. 'Titrn ye to the Jlrong-ho!d, ye prifo~ers of hoj>e. Flee' to, . ' Jefus Chrifl 9ut ~~fthis your Qatural Hate. · !J~1-;tive J. While you are in this fhlte, ye mufr fta~d or ; .faH accor.ding to the law, or covenant of works . . lf ye un• derflood this aright, it would (trike through your hearts, a's ' · ~ · tl. ouEmd darts :, One ·had better be a ilave to the Tur'-. 1 ~· . . :cendem:1ed to d1e galleys, or under £.iJ'ptian"bondage, than > be uod.n th'e covenant ·of ~ wo~s now: '· All"m<tnkind 'were ·' ,bTought under.·it in· /ldamy as we heard-before; and tbotr-ir, . ~th/ unn~g~_nerat.e ·.Hat e ,: , ar\ {i ll' >Where :.Addn::nleft: thL~e.: I t; ·~