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... • i. Head II. Alarm to the Unngenerttft. rz7· time, who ·is ·able tif-anfwer for all thy debt, and' get up thy , - difcharge. This. Jefus Chrift a_looe can do. Thou· • under this covenant, and pleadefl: mercy : but what is thy plea: founded on ? . There is nor one promife of- mercy or pardon in that cov-enant. Doft thou plead me1cy, for mer- · cy's fake? Juftice will ftep in betwixt it and tl,ee; and plead ·God's covenant threat~ing, which he cannot· d~ ny : ( 4· ) Thete is 'no place for repentance in this covenant, fo as the -flnner can be hel ped by it. For as focn as ever theu fiom ft · ,the law lays its curfe on thee, which is a dead weight thou . cartfl by rio means throw ofF; ·no,, not tho' thine head were ~aten , and thine eyes a f ountain o/tean , to /rweep' da)' and ·night, for thy fin. That is rwhat the larz.v c'-qnmt·do, in tbat it is 'Weak through t ht fteJh, Rom. viii. 3· No~ thou art ano– ther _profane EJau) that hath fold .the blef!ing; and the re is 11? place f r;r repentance, tho' thou feekefl it ·car_efully with tears, while un6er that ·covenant. (5.) -There is no ac– cepting of the will 'for the deed unde r this c-ovenant, wh ich was not made for good will, but i;ood works. Th e mi[t ;.J ke in this p.;>int ruins ma ny; They are· not in,Cprift, . but ftand ·tinder the firft covenant; ·and yet they will plead this privi .. lege. This is juft as if one having made a feaft for thofe of his own family, when they fit,down anable; another m:m's ·fervant that has run away from his mafter, fho uld prefump· · 'tuoufly come for-ward~ acd fit down /among th·em: would · ·not rhe mafter~ of the feaft give fuch a .ftranger that check', Friend, how· c·a~zefl t hou in thither? And fioce he is none · ,~f his family, command him to be gone quicl~ly. Th-~ugh' a · mafrer accept thig.ood•wiil .of' his o.wn child for the deed, ' c~n 'a hired fervant ·expect that priv-ilege ? (6'.) Ye have no-. 1:hing to·do with Cbriit; while under this cov.en:.1flt. B1 · .) t~ la\vof'God a woman cannot be ma,ried to two hufbands at once : either death or divorce-m~1ll diffolve the firft mar~ riage, ere {he can ·marry· another. So we muft firft be dtacL to the liirw, ere-we can be married ·to Chrijl,· Rom. ;,ii, 4 The law is the firft hufband: Jefus Chrift, who raifeth the dead, marries the widow; that was heart ·broker., and Dain . by the firft hufband. But while the f0ul is in the ho'ufe wit:l the firft 'hufband, i~ cannot plead a marriage-relation to , · Ghrift; ~ nor the benefits of a -marriage-covenant, .which is : !\.1)t y~tenteredinto~ 4'1 C.? .~fno ejfefl to.)