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' Head It. Alarm /IJ the Unregemrate. excefs of afl:onifument, Jetting its prifoners flip aw4y. What i? a deluge,~ a fhower of ·fire and brimfl:one op Sodomites, the terrible noif~ of .a di 1 ffolving \\'orld, the wl)ole fabrick ' of h,eaven and earth £ailing down at once., angels caft down from he"ven into the bottomlefs pit ? Hut what are-all thefe~ ' - I fay, in compuifon with. this ? God ft::ffering ! groaning,_ dying upon a crofs! infi nite holinefs did it, to;nake fin look like itfelf, ~;iz. infinitely odious. And will men live at eafe, while ex.pofed to this wrath ? . Laflly, Confider what .a God he is, with who:n thou hafr to do, whofe wrath thou art liable unto. He is a G'od of infinite knowledge an? wifJom ; fo that none of thy fins, ~owever fecret; can be hid from him. He infallibly finds , out all means whereby wrath may be. executed, t<?ward 'tbe fatisfying of jufbce. H~ is of i_nfir.ite power, and fo can do what he will ag<1-infl: the !inner. How heavy muft th~ !lrokeg of wrath be, which are laid on by an omnip.oten~ ' ' hand ! infinite power can ma:~~ the Gnner prifonet, even when he is in his greate!t rage againfr heaven. It'can bring ~gain the f~vera l parcels M duft, out of the grave; put them together again, re ~ unite the foul and the body, fift them before the tribunal, burrythem away to the pit~ and · hold them u.p with the one band thro' eternity, while they ~re l~fhed with the other. He is infir,itdy j uH, and there– for'e mull Funifh; it were acting contrary to his nature tQ ' fuff.;:r ' the finner -to efcape wrath. Hence the executing of this wrath is pleafiog to him ; for tl{o' the Lord hath nq delight in the death of the finner, as it is the defhuClion of his own creature ~ yet he deli.ghts in it, as it .is the exe€u– ~ion of j uflice. Upi'Jn the wicked.he Jhall rain lnareJ, fire and brimjl,?m, andan horrible tempefl. Mark the reaion, For the 'righteolfJ Lord loveth ri,ghtei'Jujn~(s, Pfal. xi.' 6. 7. 1 will cauft ?n)' fur;• to refi upon them, and lwill be com• forted, Ezek. v. .I~· l al(o wi/1 laug,S at your calar~Iily, Prov. i. 26. Fin,a/ly, He lives.for ever, to pur{ue t\lle quar– rel. Let us therefore ··conclude, · it iJ. a fewful thing to ' fall into the handJ of the living God. ,. , · Be awakened then, 0 young finner ; be a·,~,•akened, 0 . ol<i fir:lner, wbo art yet in the !hie thou wafl: horn in. Your fecurity is none of yod's allowance; it is the f1eep of death: . i'ife out of it ere th'e pit clofe its mouth on you. r It is true, / ' you