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Head I. 'The fl1ind i/lumin~ted. l5 9 But to come to particulars, f.·i,:fl , ln regenet'ation the mind is favingly enlightened. There is a new light Jet into the underftanding, fo that they who were fomitimo darknifi, are now light in t h: Lord, Eph. v. 8. The be01ms of5he light of life m,ake thdr way into the dark dungeon of the' heart: then night is over, and the 11wrning light is come, wh ich will rnir e more and more un to the perfe t9: day. Now the man is illuminated. ' t. In the knowledge of God. He has fa·r other ·thoughts -of Gqd, th?.n ever he had before., Huf ·ii . 20. I rw.ii/ rven betroth tl•ee unto me infaithjidnefs~ and thou.Jha lt the Lord. The Spirit of the Lotd brings h im batk to tint queftion, lFhat iJ God ? and catec.bifeth him a– new op-on that gt and point, fo as he is made to fay, I ha-:.'" heard of thee by the hearing· of the ear: but now · min.: eye}eeth ihe·e, Job xlii. s. l"he fpotlefs purity of God, his exaCt jufi:ice, his all· fuffidency, and other glorious pel'fec1ions revealed in his word, are, by this new light, d~fcovered to the foul, with a plainnefs and ~ertaintythat doth as far exceed the knowledge it had of thefe things before, as ocular 'dernonftration exceeds common fame. For now he fees what he only be.ard of before. 2 •. He is eQlightned in ~he knowledge of fin. He bath o– ther thoughts of it, than he was wont to have. t' ormerly his fight coutd not pierce thro' the cover Satan hid ov-er it: but now the Spirit of God il:rips it before him, wipes off the paint and fairding, and he fees it in· its n-ative co– ' lburs, as the worfl of et' ils i exceedb;gjin]ul; ,Rom.' vii. 1 3· 0 what deformed monilers do formerly bel~oved lufis ap– pear ! Were they right eyes, he would pluck them o,ut : \vcre they right hands, h.e would confent to their cuttingoff. He fees how offenfive fin is to God, how defiruaive it is to the foul ; and calJs himfflf fool for fightin~ffo long againft the Lord, aod harbouring that d_efhoyer as a bofom f•ien~:t 3· H.e is inflruCl:ed in the knowledge ofi himfelf. Rege– nerating grace caufeth the prodigal to C;'o?Jle to himjelj; Luke xv. 17 . and makes men full of eyes within, know . ing every vne tFe plague of hi.r O"JJn hea~t. The . mind be·: ing ,favingly enlightened, the man fees how defperately corrupt his nature is ·: what enmity a_ftain!l: God aod his ' 0 2 · holy