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I " :t6Z 'Ih: l,Yil/ renewed. State UJ . mind is enlightened in the knowledge of fpiritual things, .1 John ii 20. Ye h·ave an un{}ionfrom the holy One (that 1s, from J~fus Chrifi, Rev~ iii. 18. It is an allufioo to the .fanetuary, whence the holy oil was brought to anoiot the priefis) atJdJ'e kmw all thingf, viz. necef'fary ~o falvation , Thou-gh men be not book-learned, if they be born again, they ~re fpirit-learned ; for all fuch are taught of God, Joho vi. 45· The Spirit of regeneration teacbeth them · what they knew not before; and what they did know, as by the ear only, he teacheth them over again as by the eye . The light of grace'is an ov~rcomiog light, determining men to af.f.ent to divine truths on the mere tefiimony 9f God, ,lt is no eafy thing for the mi-nd of man, to acquiefce in di– vine revelation. Many pretend great refpect ro the fcriy.. t ures : whom, neYerthelefs, · the clear fcripture-td1imony will not divorce from their pre· conceived opinions. J3ut this illnmination will maKe mens minds rnn, as captives, after ChriH's chariot wheels; which, for their pa rt,lhall be allow– ed to drive over, and caft down their owo imagination!, ami ew ry high thi1lg tha·t exalteth itfelfcrgait:jl the lmorw!edge 'of Ccd, 2Cor.x. 5· Itwillmakethemreceivethcldngdomof GodaJ a little dild, Markx. t 5. who thinks he has fufficienr groun.d to believe any thing, if his father do bttlt fay it is fo .. , Second/j·, The wiH is renewed. The Lord takes away the flony heart, and gives a heart of fltjh, .f:zek. xxxvi. 26. and ·fo- of ltones raifeth up children to Abt:aham. Regenerating gr;-ree is powerful and dficacious, and gives: the will a new fer. ft does·not in.deed force it ; but fweet– ly, yet powerfully draws it, fo that h·iJ people are willfng: in· de ;/'ay of hp1 power, P[al. lX. 3· There is heavenly oratoryin the Mediator's lips, to perfuade fino91s, Pfal. xlv., 2. Grrrce ir poured in·fo thy lip!. There are cord.; of a mar1, and bandJ of love in bis hands, to draw them a·her him, Ho( xi . 4 Love makes a net Por eleft fculs,~ whieh wi~ll inrallibly 'catch them, and hale them to rand ', The cords Gf Chrift's Jo\'e are ftrong c-ords : and they need to be f'o · for every finner is heavier tban a moun– tain of brafs :' a:od Satan,_ together with tl'le heart itfe~f, draw the contr-ary way . . B~:~t love is firorig as death: and the Lord's love tQ the---foul he died for, is ft:roogefi· love; which ads fo powerfully, that it.mufi come off viCtot:.iouh · h The