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Head I. 'the !¥ill remwed, 16) fi nnets; a covenant whi ch he himfelf hatb framed, and re– giitrated in rb~ Bible: but t hey are not pleafed with it ; nay~ an uortnewed hear t cannot be ple!i k d wi th it. Were i t put into their hands, -to ftame it according to their mind , _they would blot many things out of it, which God has put in ; and put in many rhings Go~ has kept out. But th e ren ewed heart is entirely fat isiied with the coven ant, 2 Sam. xxiii. 5. He ht~th made with me an ever!afiing C(i venant~ ohlcred in ail things andJure; - t/Jif , if all my (a/vati·on~ and all my dtjiu. rho' the covenant coutd not be brought down to their d epnived will; their will ·is, by prace, brought up to the coven-ant ;_ thc:y are well pleafed \vi th it: there is no t hing in it t hey would have out ; _nor is any thing !eft · out ofit _wh ich they_wo<lid hcive in. (2.) The .will is dif– pofed to receive Chrifl: Jefus the Lord ~ The foul is .content to fubmit: to him. Regenerating grace undermines, and . brings <_iow.o the towering imaginations of the heart, raifed up !lg•infi its -ri ghtfuLLord : jt bre;;ks · the iron · finew; ' wl) ich hpt the finoer ftom bowing whim; and ,difpofeth him to be no morejliff-necked, but toyield hHn.felf. He is willing to take on the yoke of ChriH:'s commands, to take up the · ct"ofs and to follow ' him. He is content to ~ake :ChrHl on: any. terms, Pfa!. c_x : 3· 'Th)' pe.opleJha/1 be 'JJilliJ?g M tlJ/:~ day p_f'thy pqrwer , .. 1 _, Now, th_e, m1J'ld peing· {avingly_enlightened, and tlie will T ? newed ~; the fjn:n~.r- js tl , determined and e.nabled to a:afwer the ~ofjJel -cal:l. So; the m;; in work in regeneration is done ; the fort of th e heart is t~ken : th ere is rcommade for t h e Lotd Jefus C:-.rifr, in t he i nnermoH pArts of the fou l; the inner-door of t~e \Yili br ing now opened to him, . a~ weli as: t he. ou t~r-doo r cif the uodedta nding. in or;e wo.rd, ChriH is p~ffi.~e l y receivcq ,ip to the l?eatt; he i.s come into .tJ1e fo4l by hi s qui ckping :Spi r it, . whe·r ~ by fpiri tua l lift:: is given· to the m<a:, wb·() if1·-t!.i-m{elf ·.vas dead in fin. And } is fl r 11 vi ta I2ct we ·may coo_<:ei ve to be 2.n active rece iv ing of Je– fus ,Chiiil.clifCerned .i n hjs g l orious ex ce ll eo cir:s ; th a t is·, a believi'n g on hirn, a c!o fi:;;f-, wi,;h_hirn , as d :fc erned , cffe red a nd e,{\ hibite-d_in t h.pvq~q -o f h i~ g r~ ce., t.he g!or io!h golpe l : the immediat e dfd t 1 .o.f whi);h i ~ m•,ion wit b him . J r; hn i. 1·2. '3· To p1 ma!Jy a; r~c..r:ived him:, ;o t h-::mga_ve ;, ~ jJ '/W:?r (o r pri~Jilege) to bt'come. thefpns. o.f Cod, e'\Jen__Jo t bc'm t h 1t bd i: ve