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I1e:ad t.. 'The Aj/eDiom .changed. 167 .Ieot: He ma~cth hiJ fun to rife on th~ ~vi/ and on thegood, - and !ende/1; rain on thej ufl,andon the tmjufl: and therefore he is in the like manner difpofed, !Ylatth. v. 44•45· H is hatred 'is turned againfl fin in himfdf and· others , Pfal. ci. 3. I hate the rtoork of them that turn ajide,itJhallnot cleaw to me. He groans under the remains of it, an,d -longs for deliverance, Rorn vii 2 4· 0 wretched 1nan th·at I ail!, Who /hall deliver me /rem tht: body of thiJ death ? His joys and delights 'are in God the Lord, in the light of his coun– tenance, in his law; and in his people: · becaufe they are Jike him. Sin is what he chiefly fears;. it is a fountain of furrow to him now, tho' forme~ly a fpring ofpleafor ~~. 2. Jt regulates the afLCt:ions placed on fuitable c,.l ~B ur affections, when placed on the creature, are . ·.s1 t~ y e-xorbitant: when we joy-in it, we are apt to over·j oy; ao.d when we for row, we are ready to forrow over--much: but grace b·rid les thefe affi-ctions 1 clips their wings, and keeps them within bounds 1 that they overflow not all their banks . lt JTI:;tkes a ·man hate hi; father andmother, andwife, and d ildr.en,-p:a, and hi>_o•wn li(e alfo, con:lparativ~ly; that is, to love them l.efs than he loves God, Luke xiv. 26. It CJ:lfo lawful affections; bringing them forth from right principles, and directing them to right ends. There may be unholy defires after ChriH and his grace; as .when men defire Chrift, not from :my.Jove to him, but merely out 6f l-ove to themfelves. Gh·~ UJ of your oil, faid the fooli{h virgins., for our lamjJJ are gone out, Mattb. xxv 8. There may be an unfanetified forrow for fin; as when one forroweth for i~, not becaufe it is difple-afing to God, but only becaufe of the wrath ai}nexed to it, as ,did Pharaoh, ·. Judcu, and others . So a man may love his· father and mo· · ther, from -mere natural principles:, without ' any refpeee'-~o· ' the comm:md of God binding him thueto: But grac:: · •tilies the aifc:Cl:ions in fuch cafes~ making them to run in a new channel of love to God, refpecl to his commands, and _regud to his glory. Again, grace fcrews up the affcCt:ioos where they,are too low. Jt gives the chieffeat in thein ta God, and pulls dowo all other , rivals, whether pet fons or thing'!!. making t·h~Ri .. ly -at his fc:et : 1'fa!. Ixxiii. 2 5. Tf/hottt have J in heaven but i'hee? and there ii mne upon earth I h.;tt 1 de ../ire bejid~J tfe~. HI! i~ loved for himf~lf: and other