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Head '1. 'The Jriemory 'belleud by Grace. 169 .awakened, and makes its voice to be heard fhrough the -whole foul : and 'therefore t'her.e i<S no rn.'ore reil for him in :the fluggard ' s bed .; h~ mufl get up and be doing, arife, hafl and ifcapeJor his life:. It powerfully incites to obedi ~ .ence, even in the moft fpiritual · atl:s, which Jy not within the view o-L -he ,oat.tua·l -confcience; and powe~rfu!Jy reflraios from Go, even from: thefe fins whi.e.h do not Jy--open to the ,ob[ervation of the w.OrJd. It urgeth t.he fovereign autho-rity -of God., to whid'l the heart i's now r-econ.ciled, and which ,it willingl-y acknowled-ge;; : and fo it engageth th.e man to ·his duty, WJ!ateve·r be the hazard the world; for it · £!Is the .hear-t f.o ~vith the fear of God, that the foxce of the fear of iuan i~ broken. ' This hatb eng1ged many to put .thei-r life .in their .ban.d, and follow the caufe of religion they once contemned, and refolutely \nlk in the path they fotm~rly abhorred ; Gal . i. 23· H..e rwh'ich perfecuJed # i in times pafi, now preacheth the faith <JJJhich ()ne~· he d_,– flr oyed. Guilt now make~ the_confcience to fmart. It hath bitter remorfe for ftns paff, ' '-"'hi eh fills the foul with anxiety, forr<)w and [<; If-lathing. And every new retletl:ion , -on thefe fifls, is apt . to a.ff-:~, and ics \Vounds bleed. afcefh with tegret. It is made tmder, in point of fin and duty, for the t.ime to come; being once burnt, it dread-s t he fire; and fears to break the hedge, it was for~ tp erly bi,t by the fer pent. ' Finally, The renewed ,confc:ience drives the -Go ner to Jefus Cbri(~, as the only phyftcian tha,t ·can drn't' out the fli ng of guil t ; -and whofe blood alone can purge t he conf Cience jroJJt dead <VJorks, Heb . ix . 14. refuf~ all eafe offered to it from any other han d. And this if. .an e.vidence , that th e confc ier.ce is· not only fired , as it may •be io an unregen era te nat c ; bat oiled alfo with regene– -rating gra ce . • t Fifthly, As th e memor y wanted oot i ~s !lure of d epr~vi ~ :ty, it is alfo bettered b)' 1 grace. The memO ·· ry is weak~ned with rcfpeCl: to thofe thingc; that are not ~vo:th their room there~n ; ·and men .are 'raugh t to forge-t in· JUnes, aod drop their refe ntments, M attb. v.. 44· 4S'. D o ·goor/ to .lhtm that hateyou, andp.r,~yfor them whic·h defpit~ - . fully uft you ,--That )'CJ'!ta)' be (i.e. appea r ·tobe) thech,d(iren · ()l,;·~tt-r father f'(J.)/J;ich is in h ~tlt'e!t . Jt is nrengthn~d for Cptntual t.l1i~_gs. \~{e bave Solomon' { foJ a1\ ill r:ne· · g mory,.