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/ 16 Of J11an'J Original Happi_nefi.. Stat~ f. had with him, cou1d not but afford him the rnofi refined 1 and exqlili~te- in,theinnermoft recelfes of his heart. Great ·is that, which the fa-ints fi-nd- in thefe·views .0f the glory .o£ God, that their fouls are fomeuimes let in... to, while ~hey are compa,ffed a.bout with many· infirmities-: but much n.wre may wefl. be to i'inlefs Adam; no· · ' doubt, he· relifhed thefe pleafures at a-nother rate. Laj1/y, He was immortal. He wonld never have died,. if he had not finned; it was in cafe of fin that death was threatened,.Gen·. ii. 17·· whichfhews it to be t-he· confe'l.uen~ of fin; and not of the finlefs human nature. The pe1 feet conflitution of his body, carpe out of God's hand very good; and the righteoufnefs .and holinefs of his foul ,. removed all i11ward eaufes ofdeath: nothing being· pr-epar– td for .the grave's devouring mouth, but the vile body,.. -Phi!. iii. 2,r. And /h/)fe who have fin ned,. J,ob xxiv. 1-<)•• ·And God's fpedal care of his irmoeent cr-eatme, fecure.d him agai.nft outward violence. The apofi!e 's tefiimony i,s exprefs, RfJm~ v. 12. By one ma-n )in entered lnto th ff: <werld, and death . ~yjin. BehqJd the dqor b,ywhich deatft €aq1e in! Satan wrought with his lieS> till he got it opened,.. and fo death ~ entered; Clnd, therefor.e is he ·faid to ha\'e: been a murde1·er frcmJ· the beginning, John viii. 44· · Thus ha·ve I {hown you tl.H! liolinefs :i-nd/ha.ppinefs · of map in this !late, lf any lhall fay, \Vhat's all this to llS.~. - ~ who never tall:.ed·of that holy ami ha-ppy !late ?- They mufr, it nearly, concerns- u~, in fo far as Adt~-m was th.e· r o.ot of al1 mankind,.our .common head and reprefentative; who recei ved from-God our inheriturce aQd flock,- to kee._p– it for himfelf and his children, and to-convey it to them "" . I The Lord put all: mankind's flocR. (as it were) in-one fhip.; 'and , ·as \~e ourfelves fhou-ld have dQne·, he mad~ our corn~ _ -rnon father tl'le p4lot. He· put a b~effiRg- in the root, t9 have~ been, if r.ightly ma,naged, diff!lfed into aH the branches- . According. to our text', making Adam l!l.pright, he made man Hpright: and al-l m~kind had that uprjghtnefs i ~ .him; for, if the root- be IJo/y, fo are the hranaheJ. Bu-t , more Of this aft€rwards. · Had A £/am fl:ood, n.ooe would have quarr~lled the reprefentation. . USE I. For injtJrmation. This fhews us, ( 1. )--That not (;;Qd.J. bwH man l~imfelf, was' tl1e caufe of his n1ia ., God mad4!· · him,