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Head I. h eorraptu!, p-rovnr. !l to be difrempered, the whole head to be fiik, &>nd the - whole heart faint. The'y fnrely proceed from ao inward cau~e, Ja'Jfl!u vi: 1!. Lujh that \war in our members. , Fifthly, Confi{ler the neceffi.ty. of human laws, fen~ed' with te~ rors and feverities ; to which we may apply w_hat the apoflle fays, 1 Tim. i . 9·- That the /aru; is not mtJd-( ' for a _r...ig.hteou.r nza·n, but for lhe tawlejs and dijobfdie?tt~ for the ungodly and for jirnner.J, &c. Mao was made for foci-ety : and God himfelf faid of the fir Hman, when , he had created him, that it was no:t me·e't that he jhou}d be a– lone: yet the cafe is fuch now, that, in. fociety, he mufi be hedged in with thorns. And that from hence we m~• y. the better fee the cormption of man's n-ature, cv,nfider,. ( 1.} Every man naturally lo\IeS to be at £ull liberty hirn– felf; to have his. owh will for his laws; a·nd if he would' follow his natural inclinations, would vote himfeJf out ot the reach of all la,ws, divine and h-uman. And hence fome •. (the power of whofe hands hasbeen to the na– ~ural inclin_atioo) have indeed made themfelves abfolute, and above laws; agreeabl~ to· man's i11on,fl:rous -defign at firfr, tO· bt: as g()d.fl, Gen. iii. 5. Yet, ( 2.) There is no man that would wiHingly adventure to live jn a lawlefs fociety:– and therefore~. ev"9f pirates and robbers have laws among -d1emfdves-, t:h~~ihe whole fociety cafl: off all refpecho law and right. Thus men difcover th,emfe-lves tp be conf-c! ous of the cormption~ of nature, not daring to-trufl one aoother;– but upon fecu.rity. (3,} Ho~dangerous foever1t is ~o break thro' the hedge; yet the violence of luft n1akes many ad– '\!eoture daily torun the riilc They will not only facrifice their,credit and confcience, which lafl is highly e(feem'd in· the world; but for the pleafure of a fewmoments, imme– diately fu.cceeded· w}th ter:r.or from wi-thin, they will lay themfelvec; open to a violent death by the of the land. · ,wherein they live. (4·) The laws ateoft.enmade to yi_eld to· men,s lufls. Sometimes whole focieties run into fuch extra* Vagancies, that like a COI;n:pany of prifoners, they break off their fetters., and put their guard to flight; . and the ' voice of laws cannot be heard for the noife of arms. And - feldom is there a· time wherein the:~;e are not fome perfons fo great and daring-, that the laws dare not look their iill– p~tuuus lu!ts in; the face;. w.hiclt ma~;: JJa,.,;:id- fay,, io the caft::