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44; The Corruption o.fthcUnderjlandinj. .., · suite· n;(· ·, blind, performed in fuch a way, as feems to have been de: figned to let the world fee in it, as in a g~afs, their cafe and .· cure, John 'ix. 6. -He ·made clay. ana anointed the eyes of · thi: blind man with thr clay. ~That could 'more fidy re~ prefent the blindnefs of mens mind, than ~eyes clofed up ;• with earth?' Ifa. vi. 10. Jhut their eyes; !htitthem u__p by ga , lllotnting or cajling- them <with mornir, .. as the word -wiU bear. And chap. xliv. l8. · h~ hath Jhut t-~eir eye;: the · · word properly fignifies, he bath plaiftered their eyes; as the" houfe in which the leprofy had been, was to be pl_a.iftered, Levit. xiv. 42.Thus the-· Lord.'s word d1fcovers the 'defign. oftlrat firange work, and by it ffiews us, that the eyes ~four under!l:anding are naturally J'hut. ·· Then · the blind 'man mull: go and wafu off-this clay in the popl of Siloam: no other water will ferve-this purpofe. -If ll1at pool had not re– prefented him, who1u the Father fent into the world to bpen · l 1heblind ey'e,t,·(I fa<.x1ii. 7.} I think the E va.ngeliil had not given us the interp·reration of the name, which he fays, fig·nifiesfent; ]ohnix. '7· · And fo we ma_(conclude, that the natural darknefs of our ·mings is fuch, as there is no ' ' cure for; but from the blood and the Spirit ofJefus Chrifl::>- ' whofe eye ' falve only can make us fee, Rev, iii. I B.:,. · Evid. 2. Ev'ery natural man's heart and life is a rriafs of d·arkn~fs, '·diforder and confufion; how refined foever he · : a.pp,ear in the fight of men: For we ourfo!vef ~lfo, faith the Apoflle Paul, wereftmetimejoo!ijh, difo'bedient; deceived~ -ftrving divenlujh andp!eajitre_J, Tit.' iii. 3· and yet at tha t time which this text1ooks to, he was blame/eft, touching the righteoufne/s which i.r in t .6e la<tv, PhiJip. iii. 6. Tqis' is a plain evidence that tbe eye i1 evil, the whole body b·eing full ()/ darkru(J~· Mat, vi. 2 3: The unrenewecl p24rt of mankind is rambling thro' the world·, like·fo m~tny biind men· ; wh<.? Will neither takeN a guide, 00r CaO guide themfelVCS; and therefore are fallen over this and ' the other precipice, into deflrucrion~ Some are r~tnning after · their covetoufnef~~ till they be pierced thro' with rinny forro·~; fome flicking in the mire of fenfualiry ; others da!hing themfelves on the ·' li'OCk of pride and feJf-_>:onceit; every one ft'umbltng ·oo fome one flon~ of ,or other: all of them are rmuiing> : themfelvec; upon the fword-point of juftice, :while they e:s.~ -g.er4y followrwhether- their unmortified pailions and a:ff'ec- · ~ , tioDt'S