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'Head r. TE-e Corrupri~n of iheH'lll. · 6{ ~~·vil ·for pay ; but ye are volunteers, that expeCt i10 r?.: watd, but your work itfelf, i_n affronting of heaven. And if you repent.not, you will get your reward in full tale; when you go to hell, your work will fo!lo"JJ you. The , ~runkard fh~ll not have 'a prop of water lo cpol hiJ tongue. there. Nor lhal\ the covetous man's wealth follow him i o• ita the other world: but ye lhaH, drive. o~ _ your .old trade · there. And ~n eten~ity {ball be long ~-n~~)g~ ' to giv-e ·ybu. your heart's fill of it. (2.) Wha!. pleaf~r~:.i~ ,t.h~re here< lmt what flows from your trampftn_g; ~-P.9!}:; ti~ ·~oiy law ? '1Nhich of your fenfes doth (wearing o'r cururlw.gra:tify ? If':·· it ·gratify your ears, it can onlybe by the noife it makes a– ,g~in!l the heavens·. Tho' y'ou. had a mind to give ut y9rrr– felves to a11 man.ner of profanity and fenfuality·, thereis fo · '·· lit-tle p!ea{ure can be firained but of thr.fe fins, that we mu(t ., Reeds conclude, your lovr. to· them, in this <::afe,. is a love .:-: to drem for themfelves; a ,. devili(h unhi~ed love, without ,. any profpeft of profit·or pleafure from them otherwife. If :wy lhaH fay, thefe are m'onfiers of men.. Be"it fo; yet 'idas,!· the 'world is fruitful pf fuch monfi:ers ; they are'"tO .... be .found ahnoft every where. And allow me to fay 1 , they · mu!l: be admitted' as the mouth'·Qf the whole unregenerate world againfl: hea~en~ Rom. iii. 14• ..1/f!.Jm.fe mouth·: is fuJJ.. ·:· ~· •f curji·ng and bitternrfs. Ver. 19. Now we k.1201..v that '' ,. "ll'hat thingJ foever the ' law faith, it faith to th?m rJJ.ho are .., t<·mler the law, that every mouth ·.may be fioppe:d,.. and aJJ-;~ the .~u.lorld may becomi' guilty before God ... · I have a charge -again({ every unregener<lte ·man ·and wo.~ ., _man·; y9ung -or old, to be verified by the' teftimonies·of the - - ' fc~riptures of truth, and the teflimony of thdr own corifcien· ces; tlamely, that whether ·they .be .profe1Ins or profane~ -– whatever they be, being they are· not born again, they a're · · heart enemies to God; to th~ Son if God-; -to the 'spir:it df' ·' , GOd {and to the law of God. Hear thit>, -ye carelefsfouls, - .... tl1 at li ve at eafe in your natural fi.ate. ' 1 fl; ·re arc enemies lo Ced in your·mi nd; Col. i. Z..I., ·Ye ··: ar--e.not ;J. :> yet ueonciled to l,1im, the na..tural enmity is. not ·- .. ·~s .ye t !1 ain, thp' perhaps it lies hid, a:·ld.. ye ,do not perceive .: , H~ (1.) Ye are e~emies to the v~ry being of God, Pjal. · · :xv· r. The fool hath fajd in li.J heart there is no God. ·· The --: JP!:.OUJ •man.wot:::!d that none were aboye .himfdf :,.. the re~ ·- . }t' ..., . b~l i· ~· I ;) •''