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peremptory, Bxc.ept a rm:m be born again, he canno!fet 4he hin~~d(Jm ofGod. What are fuch hopes then, but rea! hopt:> ' that God (with profoundefi revePence be it fpoken) will · recal · llis word, and th :~t Chrifi will prove a faife prophet? · What .elfe means the finner, who, whin ,h~ heardh the '· vwords ofthe c~trfo . hlejfeth himfbifin his lieart, fay~ng, l 1 jball have peace, thd' 1walk in the imagination of mint hart, Deut. xxix. »9. Laflly, How fland ye. .ajfefled !CJ. the power ofGod? None but new creatures will -love hita for it, on a fait view thereof; tho' orhers may {Lrvi!hly fear him, upon the account of it. There is not a natural malY~ -'but ·wGuld contribute to the utmofl: of ·his power to the building of another ~ower of Babe!, 'to hem it i11. On thefe· :. 1 g~ounds, ~t declare every unrenewed nun an ene'mf t~ God3 ' 2dly, Ye ate enemies to the Son ofGod. That enmity · to· Cbrifl: i:s in your hearts, which wou~d have made you join the hufb'andmen~ who kifled the heir, and ffaji h~m ()U/ : of the vineyard, if ye had been befet with their tempta-ti– ons, and no more refirained than they were. Am I a dog, . you will fay, to have fo 'treated·my fweet Saviour? fo faid- · Hazael in another ' cafe ;. bur when he ,!lad the temptatio~ he was a dog to do it ; Many call Chrifl: their f weet Saviour ·~ , . vlhofe confcienees can bear witnefs, they never fucked fo ·• m1.1ch fweetnefs from him, .as from their fwe~tlufis, which are ten ·times fweeter to them than their Saviour. ' He is no -. Qtber way fweet to them th?n as they abufe his death .and '-'' fu.fferings, for the pe·aceable enjoyment of.their Jufls; ·tlJa• ' they may Jive as they lift 1o the: wot Id; and when they ·die, . may be kept o:::t of hell. Alas! it is buf a millaken Chrift ' .tha_t;f'sfweet ' to you, whofe fouls lothe that Chri!l, 'l.J.{ho i.t the brigbttJe{s' qf'thc Father~ I gloryr and the ~!xpreft tmage ·· t~ffit perfon. It is with .you as it was with the carnal · JewJ who delighted in him while .they miilook ·his er.. , .. :rand into. the world, fancying ·that he would be a-t~mpoG ·• raJ deliverer to them, ilia/. iii. 1. Bat when "he wa: · come, and fat .aJ a rejint'r and pu-rifier ()fjilver, verfe· 27 •( 31 and ca ll them as reprobat,e filver, who thought ~ohave no fmall•honour in the kingdom of the Mejfia'h: ~~~~ ··., dottrine galled·their confciences, ·and they re!ted not ull they had imbrued their hands in his blood. To opem ' }'~;ur~ eyeJ . in this pqint,.. which y.e. are fo· loth to :beiievei ,