Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

1707. Mn TIIOMAS BOSTON. 175 as a counfellor ; and this was the only ground of my confidence ; therefore I got hold of that, Pfàl. cxlvii. 11. & xci. 11. While I was at Edinburgh, there was another attempt to take my fer vaut by the forefaid perfon, affifted with forne dragoons ; they had him.; but he was ref ued by force of the people of the town. The fright was troublefome to my wife. But upon the fight of her trouble, ifabel Redpath, a pious and alive fervant, who was about to give her over, refolved that day to give her no more trouble, but gave over her marriage that night ; and fo by one . trouble the was freed from another. April 20. Sabbath. I was refolved on a fancily-fart on Mon- day. Chriftian Wood was with us this day, but could not flay. At parting I told her my defign, and defied her help, though at adiftance. The caufes were the fame as of the fecret exercife before: She went away : but God fent her back ; for herbrother Lad gone áway with the horfe, and would not wait on her. So on thg morrow we (pent tome time in prayer for the caufes fore Paid. It was a good time, the Lord gave us his countenance, and we were helped to feek. After the work was over, and we were come to dinner, we had not fat down at the table, when word carne, that the forefaid officer was feen at Swintonhill, and that armed men were lying in the weflern loan, for the lad. We bleffed the Lord that had reftrained them, and prayed for more reftraint to them ; bút faw none of them. Wednefday, April 23. Laft night I was helped to lay the Monday's prayers before the Lord, and to be concerned for them ; and this morning, about leven o'clock, my wife was delivered. There was a f'urprifing clutter of mercies here.. 1. I awaked about five o'clock, and found the had her pains ; and ere I got to prayer, that weird tweedy rolled in my mind, Judges xiii. 23. "1 f the Lordwere pleafed to kill us, he would not have received a burnt- offering at our hand ;" and it filled me with hopes. 2. Her reckoning was to April 27. the prefbytery of Selkirk had appointed my admiflïon to be at Etterick the 29th of April ; which, when I got notice of it, was very aftonifhing to me, con- fidering that I had told them by `a letter, that I could not be from home at or about that time. .. Seeing it was fo, we refolved to attend the conduét of Providence. 3. From what I wrote to the prefbytery, I defigned they fhould gather from it, that it would be moft convenient for me to be admitted this week: they mil= took my meaning; but it was a happy mifiake. 4. My wife was more quickly delivered than ever before ;'and the midwife had been 'fick, which made us afraid; but the was better ; _ and had it not beep fo, we had got none at all. 5. My heart leaped forjoy, hearing it was a boy, and fo Ebenezer. He was bap- tized by Mr Pow on the Lord's day after, being the 2711t. G. And all this came about as a quick anfwer of prayer. O ! we faw our Lord loading us with mercies. I had been defired to be at Selkirk to- morrow was delrous to know my duty ; had net No. 4. Y