Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

8z The great Gospel-Myftery ofthe Saints comfort andholine Qrs.)? 3. Anfw,. Eleffed, he laid unto thole things that he Weft, Increafe and Multiply : Rill when he Weft, Increafe and Multiply. So the Lord Jefus Chrift our High- Preift, when he comes to blefre, he do:11 not barely with good unto a poor foul, or pronounce him blefred, or beftow a good thing upon him; but faith he, 0 fopti, Multiply in this good; the Lord increafe thy Graces, and thy Gifts, and thy Comforts; poor foul, Increafe and Multiply herein. This the Lord Chriif our great High-Prieft cloth. Thus it's deer what the Melling of the Gofpel is, wherein it confifts ; and what our High Priest doth, when he doth blefre the people. But Secondly, Does this Biding properly, or gecially belong unto 7efits Chrifi? Yes, For he was madea curie for fin ; he and none elfe made a curie for fin : and therefore it belongs unto him a- bove all the world for to bleffe. For look what evil Jefus Chrift endured, the contrary good he merited for thechil- dren of mes, a power to beftow that good. Nowhe above all was turfed, hung upon the Croffe, and died a cuifed death, he was made a curie ; therefore it belongs unto him above all for to give the bleffing, for to bleffe poor finners. Primurn in quolibet genere &c. The fill in every kind is the caufe of the refl. TheSun is the caufe of all the light we have here below, and 'tis the &If light body. Andthe Lord Jefus Chriff, he is the firft biding : Therefore bath thyGod Weft thee forever. There areThree that we reade of in Scriptute efpecially that did blefle : The Father, the King, and thePrieft : The Father did Welkhis Children ; the King Weil his SubjeEts, and the Pried Weft the People. Now the LordJefus Chrift He is our Father, `The Everlafling Father ; He is our King, I millfit my Kingupon my holy bill ; And he is our great High-Priett : and therefore, all thele elations meeting in him, it belongs untohim above all for o hieffe the people. But is the Lord Jefus Cbrifi Willingfor to Blefre poor fig vs) inclin'dunto it ? Yes, He is very Wining: this bleffogof the people, it is