Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

+A*LtA AAA*M4Ka ViLz° V-%A.,0195-2-%NraiWv+ A,4444*W+ .4,10,21 ( rFIE CONTENTS Of the Firft HE B R.E W E S, 2.I7, IS. SERMON I. Page Of4 HEwords opened i Doec. The Priefily office of pts/ra Chrift is the great 114agazine and Store-hotefe Qfall 'bat greice tief. '62Inf9n toehave; on &tide hearen Proved ibid I Iris a reliefandfuccour to a Cbriflian againfi all tempta- tions 6 Cleered by particulars When the Lord Jefus Cbrifi died, he offeredup bintfelf a facrifice to God ett Page the Father Proved 8 2 When be was upon the Al- t ar,the fins of all beleevers paft,prefent, and to come, were laid upon Chrifi 9 Cleered ibid 3 'When the fins ofbekevers were laid upon him, be didmakefull fiatisfat7ion to God the Father and Di- vine Mice for them all ibid Objefl. Why Beleevers have their fins frill charged upon their Confciences Anfwered 13 4 Mit he bath done in a more B eminent OIMMOOPINIMIMMIN..MOPIONIMMY 0111Me.....~06