Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care for, hir People under Temptation. 223 for other High-Priefts they did not take an Oath when they came into their Office : but he fwears. Other High- Priells, hadEns themfelves to offer for : but he Holy, and Seperate from (inners. Other High-Prieffs, dyed, and did not continue fo for ever : but he /methfor ever to make inter- cegton. Other High-Priefts, offered not 1hemfelves : but he ofered up Himfelf. He was a King and a Ptieft: they were not. They indeed entered into the Holy of Holieft, but it was Earthy : he is gone into theHoly of Holieft, and that is Heavenly. They were but Types ofhim, Shadows: if a fhadow fall upon a dirty ground, it cannot make it dry; but the Sun can : and yet norwithitanding, thefe o- ther High-Priefis, theApofile faith of them, Eeing compall about with infirmities; they could have cornpaffion on thefe that are ignorant, and cut of the way ; They men of Infirmities, (inners ; They in the timeof the Law : How much more is Jefus Chrift able to fuccour ,who is fo tranfcendent an High- Prieft, and excelling all others that ever went before him. Pie fay nothingof the great Power that he bath with the Father, or in his own hands : The Keyes of hell and death. He is ableby Conga& f r to fuccour you that are temp- ted : he is able byConciu ft for to raife the Siege that is laid againft our fouls ; he ath beaten through the Enemy: As now, ifa Townbe beleaguer'd ffraightly, belieged by anEnemy, and the Enemy abroad in the. Field, having an army in the Field : ifany will come to raife the Siege, theymuff fight through the Army, they mull beat through the Army before they can raife theSiege. Nevera tempted foul but is thus befieged with temptation, clofely begirt, and the Devils wereabroad in the field, were theMailers of the field till Chrift came : and no man, nor Angel was able tobeat through : but Jabs Chrift beat up the Quarters all along, beatthrough the Enemy, call out Devils all along, overcame. Paul by being tempted overcame temptation. Soby his dying heovercame death ; andby taking our in- firmities upon him, he overcame our infirmities ; and by being fubjet, to the Law, he oltercame theLaw, and the y2 curie ------