Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

2 The great Gorpel-Myfiely (Talc Sala iCfri-2o rt andbolinefh MOS, behoved CJrifrr to be in all things made likeunto us, whom the Apoitle here cals theBrethren of Jefus Chrifi. In other Scriptures we find, that our Lord and Saviour Chrift, is called our Father, The everlafting Father, the Princeof peace. Ruche is called our Brother,wehis Brethren. Now the fame Perfon, to be both a Father, and a Brother unto the fameman, in nature it cannot he But becaufe all there Relations, are to fcant,and narrow Veifels to hold forth the love of Jefus Chrift towards us : Therefore Inconfifient Relations are given unto him. A Father Provides for his child, whichthebrother clothnot. A Brother_ can mop, and condefend, unto his brother, which the fuperiorityof the-Father will not bear. So that here is held, forth unto us, the ilooping, Condefendirtg love ofJefus Chrifi: and therforehe istalledour Brother, and wehis Brethren. But nly, and what Realm it there, That the Lord Jefus Cbrifl frould in all things be nude nto.ut bit Bre- thren ? The Apoillein there wordsgives the Reafon, That he might be amerciful, and a faithful highPrieft, in thingspertaining to God,to make reconciliationfor thefins of thepeople,&c. The Lord God our Father, fwear unto- JefusChrift, ThowartaPrieii for ever, after the order of Melchizedek. He was to be the great highPriefl. .Amongthe Jews, in thetimes ofthe old Teftament, they had an high. Prielt,- that was in all things to stand between God and them, and -in cafe any finned, to make an atonementfor them. As theJewes had'their High Prieft : So theLordJefus Chrifi, hewas to be, and he is, The Apofile, and the High Priefi ofour Chriftian protein. on, as Aaron was oftheJewes profeffion. And therefore fades sheApoille, It behovedhim, in all things to be made like ant() us. But couldnot jefusChrill be merciful unto poor tempted fouls, unlefs he were in all things ma de like to them : like hrtheirNoures, like in their Affellions, like in matter e cbrifl Temptations.