Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, an MSTS PriCitirOSCC. children of Ifrael, and all their tranfgreffions, in all their fins, putting them upon the bed ofthe goat, and fallfend him away by the handofafit man into the wilelernefi, andfobefball make an atonement, as in that Chapter. This was the work of the High Prieft, in cafe any had tinned, to make an atonement, and fatisfa&ion (by wayofType) for the fins of the peo- ple. Now for the better proof of this great Goffrel-Trutb that I have propounded, I 111411 infif on thefe. Five things. Firit, 7hat when the Lord jefiuChrifi died upon the CroSe, be didoffer up Ilinsfelf efacrifice unto God the Father. Secondly, That when tbis favifice was upon the Altar, then thefins ofall beleevers,pafi, prefent, and tocane, were all laidup- on jefus Chrifi. Thirdly, That when tbefefins were thus laidupon Cbriff,be didthereby givefull fatisf.glion unto God the Father, unto Divine Juflies. Fourthly, That all this he did as ourgreat High-Friefi, and in amore Tranfcentlent, and Eminint,manner, then ever any.,High Friefi did before him. Fifthly, How all this cloth conduce to our Comfort, and to our Holinefl. Firft, When our Lord iefus Cbrifi died upon the Crog, He did offer up himfel f afacrificeunto God theFather. He did not (as the Socinians fay ) die only as an example for to teach us how to die ; buthe offereduphimfelf a facrifice unto God the Father then. Yea, as ifall facrifices were met in him ; all thofe titles that aregivenunto other Sacrifices, they are given, unto him. There were Three forts of Sacrifices : fome were living; others were not living, and thole were either folid, as bread and the like; or elfe,theyware liquid, as wine and oyle. There was alwaies,Deflruffio rei obkatje, A defiroyingofthe thing offered. Ifit were a living-thing that wasfacrificed, then itwas raid tobe flai : In anfwer to that, Jefus Chrifi isfaid to be a Lamb flainrfrotn the be ginning ofthe world. lilt werea dead thing that was of- feredup, as bread, or corn, a folid thing, /hen the facri- fice,