Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

Amoft Comfortable EXPOSITION OF The laft and Irma difficult part OF THE PR ®PI-iECIE DANIEL From the2,6. Verle of the ii. Chapter, to the endof the 12, chapter. VVhereirì the reftoring of the f elves,and their calling to the faithof Chriff, after the utter overthrowoftheir three laft enemies, is fet forth in lively colours. By the labour,andStudy, of that bright and wor- thyman ofGod, THOMAS BR I GH T MAN, Englifhman, andonceFellow ofQueens. Colledge in Cambridge. Rom. I I. 25, 26. IWouldnot brethren,that yefhouldbe ignorant ofthisfecret,that partly, obflinacy is come to Ifrael, until/the fulnefe of the Gentiles be come in: andfoall Ifraelfhall be famed, as it is Written,The Deliverer fhall come out ofSion, and (hall turne aWa] the ungodlineffe from Jacob. L O N D O N: Printed by I. F. for Philemon Stephens at the Golden Lyon in Pauls.Church-tard. 1644.