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he Epiftle Dediatory. the Map of changes, the paw of mutability. Who carp flan up the firange circumferences, and rare circuits And 'labyrinths of providence. Providence is its a wheel in 'the midn of awheel, whofe motion, and work, and end in working, is not difcerned by every common eye. Three dreadful judgments God kath lately vifited us With, viz, Sword, Pelt& nce and Fire ; but who repents ? who ifa 1. I6,t7. finites upon his thigh e who finds out the plague of his Vfil. 106. z3. own heart ? who (ayes, what have I done e who ceafei from doing evil 3 who learns to do well:' who turns to the molt High:' who layes hold on everlafting ftrength e who makes peace with God ? who throws himfelf into the gap e ac. Are, not multitudes grown much worfe after judgments than they were before ? Don't they bid higher defiance to heaven than ever ? and therefore, who can tell what further controverfie God may have with fuch a people,- efpecially (pondering that terrible Scripture, Levit. 26. 14. to the 34. verf. with (cores of others that found that way. Were our forefathers alive, how fadly would they blufb to fee fuch 4 horrid degenerate po- fterity ea is to be found in the miry of us ? How is our iforefathers hofpitality converted into riot and luxury, their frugality into pride and prodigality, their fimpli- city into fuhtilty,- their fincerity into hypocrifie, their charity into cruelty, their chaftity into chambering and wantonnefs,their fobriety into drunkennefs,their plain- dealing into diffembling, and their works of compaffion into works of oppreflion, &c. And may we not fear, that even for thefe things God may once more vifit us. The Nations are angry, and we are low in their eyes; our icnemies are not afleep abroad, aid are not we too fecure lat home e and what further conclufions may be in the world, who can divine ? I point at thefe things only to pro-