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Heb.f. 'Eoucriocv, fignifies authori- ty. Such as TO.. ceive the Lord Jefus,have autho- rity to be called tbefons of God. Others may call God father,and them felves foes, but they have not that right and authority toelii ge believers i have, co i t Math 16.16. Job. 8.16,18,36 Mat.3.2.78. Luke 24 47. AeIt.I.31. Chap. 3. 19. Lii4 1'3.3. A Box of precious Ointment : Or, 1 I knovnot God; I obey not the Gofpel of his Son,. here:` re .0 krill pail be revealed from heaven in awino fire, - a to t ak,e--vert',zeance on me. - Oz thus. 1 he ITiked,lball be trJrned into heil I am wicked, . Therefore 1 "bail le turned into hell. NoW in like manner the fpirit- of adoption brings the heirs of the promife to the affurance of hope, by fe.tting home fuch practical fyllogifms as there. Firfl, Whofoever truly and heartily receives the Lord C7 fus Chrifi, are truly and juffly reputed to be the foes of God, Joh. I, 12. But I have received Chriff all the wayes that the Word there can import ; I am heartily Quilling toi. receive the Lord Jefus Chriftin all his offices; vit. as a King to rule me, a Prophet to teach and intim& me, and a Prieft to offer and intercede for me ; I am receive him as a Sanctifier, as well as a Saviour, and to receive him as my.' Lord, as well as to receive him as my Redeemer,-,and to re- ceive him upon his own terms, 74z.. of taking up his Crofs, denying, my felf, and following - of him ; - therefore, I may fafely, boldly, plainly and warrantAbly conclude, that I am a fon of -God, and that I have an interefl in God, according to the Scripture WI-cited ,, which Scripture cannot be bro.- ken, nor cannot fail, nor cannot be unbound or loofed, as the Greek word in that, [thn 10. 3 5. imports, & c, - - Secondly, A gracious foul may argue thus; All the great and precious promifes concerning everlafting happinefs and bleffeclnefs, are made over to faith and repentance, as the Scriptures do abundantly evidence : Now, he that really finds faith and repentance wrought in his foul, fo that' he is able to fay; ' I alma repenting anda believing firmer ' he may truly and fafely conclude, that he fluff be faxed ; for all the ) prornifeS of eternal happinefs- and bleffednefs, do run out with A fail ft ream to faith and repentance : I readily grant, that a _f gong hopeirefultS from the clear evidenCe it hath of'' bot.,. NI,