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Choice Bed of Spices. 49 the fira Fruits, Rim. 8.23. he bath it in the earne(l, Ephef.I. 13, 14. and he bath it in Chrift his Head, Ephef. 2. 6,) Mark i6. 16. He that believeth and is Baptifed,[hail be laved, he that believeth not (hall be damned. Pet. 2. 6. Behold I lay in Sion a chief Corner fione, EleCt precioiss, and he that believeth on him, .112411 not be confounded. John 6,, 40.. And this is the will of him that fent me, that every one which feeth the Son, and believeth' on him, may have everlafting life, and I will raife him up at the 14 day. Verfe 47. Verily, verily I fay unto you, he that believeth on me, loath evert*ing Life. John 2. -2 5 . f efti4 faid into her, I am the RefurreUion and the Life, he that believeth in me, though he were deadoet pall he live. Verfe 26. And whofoever liveth, and be- lieveih in me,Jhall never dye. John 20, 31. But thefe are written, that ye-may believe that lefus is the Chrift the Son of God, and that believing, ye might have life through his name. Look as cer- tainly as the unbeliever (hail be cal} into outer darknefs, fo certainly (hall the Believer be partaker of the glorious inhe- ritance of the Saints in light; for certainly the Promifes are as true as the threatnings, Atis16. 3o, 31. Believe on the Lord lefm Chrift, and thou jbalt be faved. The Apoille fpeaks not doubtingly, perhaps thou (halt be caved) nor they do not fay, Believe on the Lord Jefus Chrift, and it may be thou mayell go to Heaven, but they (peak boldly, confidently,pe- remptorily, believe on the Lord jefits Chria and thou (halt De laved. 0 my Soul, What greater certainty and fecurity can any man have, than the infallible promife of that God that is truth it felf, who will not, who cannot deny his word. but the fame love and free Grace that moved him to infufe grace into his childrens fouls, will move him alio to keep the word that is gone out of his molt!), and to make good whatever he hath-promifed ; thus you evidently fee that the Promifes,prove an infeparable connexion between Grace and glory, between Faith and everlaiiing Life ; fo that Jet me but prove dull have a favhig Faith, and the Scriptures laft cited, prove infallibly that' than be faved. 0 labour as for life, daily to give a fiym and fixed anew to the truth of thole bleifed,Promifes 1a4 cited, and -hold it H as