Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C g A P. 5. A life of juiifccation 27 may import Sanellifcation, but alfo by Water which may import juflifca- tion, wherein iniquities are pardoned , & the Soul is washen from its guilt, through the blond of Jefus Chrift , reprefented by the Water in Baptifine. Thus are they alfo put into a new Bate , being delivered from thePower of dark nett, and tranflated into the &ingdome ofHis dear Son , Col. 1: i 3. Chrift now owneth then ;, as His , & Satan hath no more power and jurifdi6tion over them , their guilt being removed , and their finnes being pardoned : for. becaufe of fin hath Satan , as a jallour, had power over them , as fo many pri- foners , but fin being taken away , in their justification , they are loafed from his bondes , and delivered from his prifon and power. We fee Paul was tent Aft. 26: IS. To open eyes , and to turn from darknefs to light , if from power of Satan unto God , that they may receiveforgivenefs of finnes, fc. 2. Hereby they are brought into a State of Salvation , and being out of harenes way , they are Paid to be faved , being now in a State of life and Sal vation, through Jefus Christ, Ephef. 2: 5 S. For by grace are ye faved through faith : and how was this ? It was by Chtift, together with whom they were quickened; when before they were dead in fins & trefpaffes, v. 5. So Tit.3: 5. Not byworks ofrigteoufnefs , which we have done , but according to his mercy he faved us, by the washing of regeneration, andrenewing of the Holy Ghofi. But how was this work of Salvation begun ? See vers 7. That being juflified by His grace , we should be made heirs, according to the hoj of eternal life. So that as juttification maketh way for Adoption ; fo it bringeth Souls into a faife state , a Rate of Salvation ; fo as they , in a fenfe , are already denomi- nated, faved; that is , brought out of the {late of death , and put into a ílate of Salvation : Thus are they an Paid , to be quickened together with Hirn, (ì. e. Chrift ) having forgivenefs of all their finnes, Col. 2: 13. This will be further clear, if we confider how 3. Thofe , who are justified, shall certainly be faved, not only in refpeet of the Decree and purpofe of God ; but in refpeEt alto of the Gofpel conftitu- tion , and the declared will of God. Therefore faith the Apottle R m.S: r. There is therefore now no condemnation to them, which are in Chrifl left's. And all fuch , as are in Chrift Jefus, are j uftified ; as the Gofpel cleareth. A nd againe more clearly, vers 3o. And whom he jufli fled , them he alfo glori f ed. The connexion betwixt thefe twis indiílóluble. So doth the Apoftle not only affert, but he confit meth this , Rpm. 5:9. Much more being now juflif ed by his bloud, we shall be faved from wrath through Him. And againe , vers 17. Fer if by one mans offence deathreigned by one, much more they , which receive aboun- danceof grace, and of thegift of righteoufnefs.' (That is , who welcome , em. brace and receive the rich offer of grace , and the 'rigteoutnefs of Christ, free- ly and gracioufly prefented in the Gofpel to all that will accept thereof) shall reigne in the life by one !efus Chrifi. So likewife, vers lafl. That as fin hath reigned unto death, even fo might grace reigne through righteoufnefs unto eternal life by te fur Chrift , our Lord. 4. They who are juftified , are brought into a ftate of bles%dnefs , and therefore may well be faid to live, or to be made partakers of a life, Rpm. 4: 6,7,8. Even as David alfo de f cribeth the man , unto whom God imputeth D Z rtgh-