Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

\ /The l3arren Fig-Tree-. · · _AJJd Ee ca'n~c andfought ,Fruit there~ll. - 'I'hc (~~~eiljop _ is not now, \\'na't .tl:cu. think~ it · of thyfelf, nor what all the .Pcoole of God think of thee; but what th~u ilialr be .fou·nd in that Day, · when God {hall {earch thy Boughs' for Fruit ? \V .ben Sodom was to be fcarched for righteous l\1en, God would .not, in that Matter, ! ruft his faithful Servant . ./ibraham; but ftili as /lb1~ai.Jam inter-:- / ceded, God anfwered, If 1./i1ld Fifty, or Forty, - or Five there') I wilt uot dejiroy the City ( x ). Barren Fig· tree, . what fayeft thou ? God will co1ne down to :fee; Go~ will '"'1ake, fearch for Fruit hirnfelf And he. came a1id fought Frt~it thtreo11, t~1Jd .found ( none.j . :;[l.1e-n [aid he to tlpe DrcJ!er'ofthe Vi''~'' 0 rd, Behold, theft thre~ Years I comeftckitJig· .hruit outhis Fig.tree, and.Jind 1J01Lt::; cut it do~v11, rzvhy cumbreth it the Grou11d?. f -.1-hete Word9 ~tre the Effect of God's Sea:rch into the Boughs of a barren Fig- ,tree ;_ He fought Fruit;' and found notte, 11one {x) ,Gcn .x·:iii. zo~ 21, z~, 27-.