Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

4 Grace Abounding 9: ¥e~-' fuch prevalency had the Lufts ·~d Fruits of the FleJh; in this poor Soul ofmrne, that had not a Miracle of precious Grace preven_ted, I had ·not oniy perHhed by the, Streak ofeternal }uftice,but had alfo laid my felf open, even to the Stroakof thofe Laws which bring fome to Difgrace-and open Shume, before the Face of the \Norld. 1 o. In thefe days the 'thoughts of Religion were very grievous to tne ; I could neither endure it my felf, nor that any other lhould : So that w.hen I have feen fome read in thofe Books that concernedChriftianPiety,it would be as it were a Prifen to me. Then 1f~eid unto God, Depart from me, for I defire no~ the know• ledg of thy ways, ·Job 21. 14, 15. I was now void of all good Confideration; Heaven, ~nd Hell were both out of fight and mind ; and as for Saving and-Damn.ing, they were leaft· in my thought!. 0 Lord, thou knoweft my Life; and my_ w~ys were not hid front.thee. . I I~ But thls I wen remember,that though I coul<J my felf fin with the greateft Delight & Eafe,.and·alfo takepleafure in the Vilenefs of my Companions; yet even then, if I have at any time feen wicked things by thofe who profeifed goodnefs, it weuld 1nake1nySpirit tremble. As once, above all the reft, wh.en I was inmyheight of ·Vanity,yet hearing one to fwear ,that was reckon'dfor a Rel!gious Man,. it had fo great a ftroak upon my Spirit, that it made my Heart ak.e& . -· - , -- -- . · - .. 11. 13ut