,_ l * ' ' ·fcrabicl~aruslirn.adeugbrium'pgpartlhb7o.iif1• 1 -eJiro%lnquir ruiua o:dirriafunt nofitiderid.in 1 -~grcg~rione ~~mJl):a_lifi fe b~re~tea ~t'l~yci~in ap , pararu l'tnnhcea.•lttt acqmfirtoneDtgmrarum"'' ' ·clcrici. ·fed-non Iabozant~rlayci~ neqJ pugnanr l'C t-tml~r~s.neceitat_tsdi;anrl'rderici.-1'"rt.'"ttj~f~ ·ordtmadfecupmnrl'rrumm~fund unr.fantg1f omnftnrenawraciterftfnimefapidJS ttedifafunt l:mo~fQ3ttozfilm- rrfbit inozd1'nat(j tclinqueretttel ·enffoeno.alibi o~diitaiJtx;0 CBl'bfnuUueo:tx>r~d femp.irernu0 fmr<)1inb~birar~lxcille:.3ftetn :idem infodern hb:o.~t ad·eundemeugemumpapa;.1tu inquirpaffozrPced1a·tt~totarue. rammulracircff, oarue~ariec~ce.ouee quid capiunr.fi audetemoi ,
I ., I / ( 7 a --Yn · .· ~ . , . ~· '· ' . . ~ . ' . · ;
3PI~TVAL ~8FI :J\(:£:1\(Cj: PART . II-· 0 R, A ' -TREATISE OF s~ I N N , J17ith its Caufes, Differences,Mitigations and Aggravationsl - - '.'\! Particularly of the defperate Deceitfulnefl.,ef 1\1ani Heart, of Prefomptuous and Reigning Sins, and of Hypocrijie and Formality in Religion. . - Alfo o_ccafionally handling the Uprighmef and Tendtrn!/( ofaGr~tcioUJ Het~rt; and therein difcovering the nature of a mi{guidedConfcience, as alfo of fecret and .unknown fins that the'beft men are guilty of, with Directions to , the godly under their fe~~rs about them. · Shewing with~ll, That a ihi& fcrutiny into a mans heart and waycs, with a holy . fear ofGnning,doth confifi with a Gofpel-life of faith and joy in the holy Ghoft. ~ VnmMk_ counterfeit Chrifiians. · . J Terr~(ie the Vngodly. All tendmg to 2 Comfort and Din•fl the Do~-tbting Saint. Humble Man. Exalt the Grace of God.. - . In X L I I. S E R M o\~ s ,. By ~n:hony Burtefs ,fome~ime Fellow of £;;~:i{et Colledge in, Camlmdge, and now Paftor of Stttto'IJ-Coldfie!d 1n warwickfhire•. London/!Prin~ed ?Y A. M. for ThomM Vnderhill at theSign of th(t . Ancho~ and B1ble 1n 'Pauls. (;hurch-yard, .near the little North· · x6 s 4.
\ - THE - E p I s· T L E TO 1 HE ' R E A D E R. ~~~~~- ;:,;·;J"~ Hefe Sermons were prepared as ~- ·' part of that former Treatife, fii- . , led, Spiritt~al Refining, but ·that 1i?2 Book fwelling in bulk,made thefe ~, draw back, yet becaufe of their J~f perpetual ufefulnelfe, as·long as ~'>\ ... ~A men have hearts) and are fi1bject to temptations, it was thought fit not tohide this light under abufhel: So that although in the former Book, there wasdelivered the Subftantials of true Grace and its Counterfeit, yet this will much conduce to afmther Difcovery and lllufirationof that Subjeet, and- !o in reference to that Treatife maybefiiled ceronu, as be– ing added for further adorning and amplifying that matter. Thema jnJcopt of thuwork is to.. britJg nor omly the ungodly, but a beltever alfo into more acquaintttncu with hi6 own heart; for aman may though of very long · - A 2. ftanding
i. . To the Reader. fianding in Chri!Haflity, yet by frequent fea.rching in· to this Book of his heart, finde more errours th~n eve-r ht thought of. So that I may here comm~nd a new fifldy, and a new art to the world, This Treatife is De. Arte Cortlil, whichmay well be called liberal, for if rightly managed) it will fet a man at liberty from that entanglement and bondage, the lulls of fin have over him. It's true, tbis SubjeCt bath been fearched into by many praCtical Auchors, yet it's good to have feveral T.raetates a_bout the fame marter (for we do not bring aewmatter in Divinity, no more then there is in-Phi– lofophy, tJwAteriaeft itJgen~rabilis, it is the fame mat· ter underamultitudeof torms) Not only becaufe one Book of fuch a Subjett may come unto a mans hands, when another may not, but a1fo becaufe every man bath his feveral gift to prepare and dreffe up the matter treated of, and one mans gi(t may prevail more then another mans. No doubt it's with Books, as it is with men and their_preaching. There is a \Vonderfull dif– p.!n[ation of Gods providence herein, fo'r as fome men, though they have not eminency either of gifts or gra.- . ces, yet are bldfed with more fp.iritull fucceife and ac- – ceptancein their labours, then men of greater name and renown : So it is \~its Books, Not alwaies that which is the mofr learned, the mofl: exquifite and ela· borace ·doth find e the chiefefl: place in mens affeCtions, but the fuccefieis as God in wi fdom and mercy doth vouchfafe to it. H-: nce thougb theMiilillersof Chrifr plant and wacer by writing as well as preaching, yet frill it's God chat giV'et h the increafe . A two·fnld advantage may come ·by this Book through Gods bleffing, Firfr, The true Chri!l:ian may come to fur~r A!fu– ., ranee
·To the Reader. ra'lce and knowledgeof t~eworkof grace in his heart, and ac<:ordingly walk more thackfully, joyfully and fruitfully: And · · Secondly, The mouths of malicious .enemies, and {uch as blafpheme the way of puntymay be fiopped; for .wh~reas they areprone to accufe the godly as decei– versandhypocrites, they may at lafi: be ailiamed, be– holding th~ upright and fi ncere conver!ation of the godly mingled with an holy fear: Though .the world mif-judge the.ir perfons, and mif-conftrue their aetions, yet they have the tefiimony of a fincere and upright heart within. , Now lefl: this felf-,examination lhoulddegenerate in– to fiaviilinefs, andbe thought to keepmenal waies ina fad howlingwtldernefs, I hav~ therefore !hewed that a deepfearch into the heart's deceitfulnefs is amicably confifrent with the Affuranceof Gocls love in Chrift: • I. , So that it'sa Chrill:ians weaknds, when the holy fear about his heart !hall diminifh his ,faith and joy in the unfearchable richesof Gods grace, or a full enjoyiHg ofthefe.,fhall abate his tendernesand dtligence in heart– examinations; yet becaufe fuch is the tender heart of mary who fear God, that they think they do never .ftJ· tu cavere etiam cmn. maxime cdvcnt, and they are ea-fily tempted to believe that there is no grace at al.! in their hear.rs, becaufet.hey do experimentally difcover more /' falfhood and hypocrifie . in ~hem felves then they thought _of ; I t1pll therefore by way of Ant idote di. reGtto th tfe following di fiinCl:ions) which it atrended unto, they may be fufficientlyarmed for all thofe ob– jedionsthatcommonly do on the /right hand ~tnoleft t,he godly: anq I dlfit t he rather in the Pn:face,becau fe they a. not fo fully mentioned inthe Book. And A 3 I• Lel ' • I \
To the Readw. t. Let the htt~rt-{earching Chri}itm diflengNi{b~etween Gracein the Idea or definition of it, and the reAl:exi(lence Df itin it's fubjefl. When Divines do write or fpeak about grace, they commonly defcribe it in it's abfrra– tted and exaCt nature : even as Tully deciphers his Ora– tors, .or Platohis Commonwealth. Now becaufe the people of God reade and hear fuch rules and definiti· · ons , they conclude they have not grace, becaufe not according to fuch a defcription. But grace in a defini– tion is one thing~and grace in the heart is another thing: !he participationofgrace is not asperteaas the defcription of it. ~ · 3. Let them conftantly confider the difference IJetween truth of grAce tmd perfei1ionofgrAce. Not attending to this many times breedeth perplexing doubts; perfceti· on of parts is one thing, and of degrees is another. It's true this definition is doubted of, thinking that to af~ firm even aperfetlion <:>f parts, though not of degrees, bordereth too much on Pelagiamfm, and that: no man bath perfe&ion of parts, but is to grow therein, as much as 'in degrees. But certainly it there be -not a perfeCtion of parts, then believers could not be faid to be regenerated, to be new creatures, to have the image of God repaired in them ; forthefe expreffions do neM cdfarily fuppof~che eflence, though not the perfeCtion of godlinefs. Let therefo(e the humble foul afpire and breathe afcer-perfeCtion, but take comfort in the difco– very of the truthof grace, though in a low degree. . 3· Let them mala"' d?fferencc betweentr~tb of~race,and the evidence or ajfora~ceof it. It's no good argument eo conclude they have tt not, becaufe they perceive it not: Somedifeafes take away the fcnfe of natural life, and ~ no wonder then if there be fuch obfirudion at do · fometimes
To the Reader• fometitnes hinder the perceiving of our fpirirual life i and although .it be a knownJaying of <..Attftin, Thld whofoever doth believe dotb perceive and jtel he doth !Jefll -lieve, yet that is t0be underftood of a potential apti– tude, if there be no {l:rong impediment , otherwife · graceand the affurancc of it are many times fepara.ble, hence the promifesare made to him that hath grace)not that knoweth he bath it. · 4~ Let themyet further diftinguifo between ihe h4vi:~g of grAceahfolutely, 11na the enjoyingDJ it ACcording to tJur defires. Thegodly man fometimes ftaggereth, quefiion– ing whether he hath grace,becaufe he hath not as much as he would have and praieth for : Even as fome cove– tous men think not themfelves rich, becaufe they have not fo vaft an efiate as theyhave inordinately propoun.. ded to themfelves. - s. Let not the godly mt~n make the work of grace upon another mans heart the Rule uponhu tJWII ; yet how often / will the tender heart be making fuch comparifons, be.. caufe they have not beeri wrought upon in fuch a man. nor, and to fuch a d~gree as others whom they know~ therefore they are apt to doubt of all. But we reade in the Scripture ofdifferent converfions ofmen to Chrift, and therefore we muLl: not limit God to one way. 6. Let themnet foit to diftinguifb between pArtilfl hy– potrijieand total. There is no godly man but he bath hypocrifie in him, as well as other fins , and that fin is ready to.putit felf fmth, as well as other; but the pre- . fence and the predominancy mufi be dilHnguiihed., el fe woe be to the mofi upright man that liveth. Laftly; This muft not be forgotten, thatevenirl"·hy-– P?~rifieor any other fin predominating, there muft be dJffer~nc~ade between,, violent rejiJfed prevatency, and · acopfoam, /
. To the Reader~ t~tonflt~nt, total tJnti quietfobmijfion tD it. D4vid in the matterof Uriah hadhypocrifie andguileGf heart, evem prevailing over him, but it was contrary to the princi– ples of grace within, and ther~forc fin did not ,alwaies keep durable andquiet poffeffion. Infomuch that a dif– ferenceh to be made about a godly mans fins of infir... mities; fomc are ordir1a~y, but fome (fuch as D.t.vids we mentioned) are cxttaordinary; in thefe finne hatll more reigning power, yet it can never obtain a full and quiet poffdlion. Thefeobfervatjons I commend to that Chrifiian, who {ball with all care fall upon that duty of fearching the deceitfulnefs of his heart. By this light his holy tremblingwillnot interrupt his joy, nor will his Evan– gelical joy abate his godIy trembling. But as it is. in matter of dotl:rin~ to be believed, it's our duty to try . and feareh, yet for all that we rnnfi nor be lcepticks, but hold fafi the truth ; {o in matters to be practHed, we are to difcern and make a diff..:: rence between trutb and .counterfeit, yet we mufi not be alwaies inconftant, never perfwaded in our hearts. . I !lJallcondude, when I have advertifed thee that fome corrective alter~tions and additional explications might conveniently be applied to fome pa!lages in the ·Book, but my remot~ difiance from the Printer, did abfolutely prohibit it. Therefore what is prefenced to thee, improve it practically, remembring that of our Saviour,!{ye know theft things) happy.areyeif ye do1hernl ::folm13.17. I refi, smton·Coldft 'd De'-9·I6f3. Thy hearty well-wil1er A "D~ . N. T H 0 N Y v\li'R O:E S-s. • ¥P -
• J ' · · THE .. I . 1 C 0 NT .E NT$ . .. O' _F T H-1 S T R E _A 'T -I s·~ E.· .. . ., SECT. I. ~ ~tr,obtey of tl)e ~ecettful~er~' anb <15ufle of tlJe t]eattof ebetp ~a~bp Ja."tute. . . ... Jer.I7·9• The .he"rtisdeceit./ull AboveaOthings, who can ~ know11? ·_ The Ingredients and Demonll:rations of the Deceitfulnefsof the Heart. · I a
':fhe Contents} S l! au. J I. More Signs and Demonfi:ratioas of the Deccitfulnefs · of the Hearc.. · · S • a u. I I I. An Infiancc of the Deceicfulnefs and Guile of the , Heart a~1utfin . Saau. IV. Another Inftance of the Hearts Deceitfulnefs ;,. thu matter 'Df ll.tpe•t~»&t. ·-- ·~ SIll M. V. ~he third great Inftance 0f the Hearts Deceit in the matterof Reljgiqnilltl111'.J1and abouc: Rellgiofll Dfl· lies inpMt~cNlar. · " s .... M. VI. The lafr great Inftancc of the Deceitfulnefs of the - Heart, ison tht right hA11rJ1 and proper onely to' the _Godly. s BR :u. VII. The wofull Aggravations of chc Dcceitful!Jeifc:_of · mans 'Heart. _ _ - _ $BCT! ....__ ··- w \.
SECT. II. 4lf tlp~fg~tnef- ·ef ·JJeaet, o~ t~e JJ:a~t . · · . ·. tpitiJout <15ulle• .· · . s B I, "'· V I I I. . - Pfal.JS·'· BltfJIII~ttheminuntswho111t~tLwii"!P'*tetf, 1101 lni_q•ity, antIn whip f}iril ,there·i4111gilile. , Opening the.Scripture.words that hold forth Upright-. ne{sofhearr, and fucwingwhich.arcthe Charaaers of aHeart without Guile. S 11. u. IX. . . More CharaGlersof aHeart without Guile. ' . - S 11\M. X. . ' ' M9re Charaetcrsof a He•rt with9ut Guile• s :lit M. ~X I. Moti~es 'a~d Encouragements toUprighmefsalild Sin.: centy. I . SBCT. lii. llUfolbm.g fom,e prarttral ~are~ of ttonrctence about tittncftttp, ann.a~ptdtwftl}out <iD uti£. \ s E RM. X x'I. / I Refolve this Cafe, v /\; Whether men that are nQr. ' • I ., a a truly
T1ui Coiiterus. ' - truly godly, may not attain to aSpirit without guile in matters of Religion toward God , -and Duties toward man. · s B It M. - XI-I I. ; t ... \ Ad:s 26.9. IverilythD.ught 1wtUhoNndtldo wh11t I rlil~ , CMtr~try titheNAme of ::fef~of NAzaretll. I ' Sheweth, That fQr 1J.Jen to aCt unfeignedly according to ~heir Confciences without Guile ;, their 1wn WIIJ ~1 :Religion, cloth not demonftratethem to be fuch fin- _ cere me·nas God approves of, and ·unto whom the P·romifes belong. Aneceffary Item forthefetimes. S l! I. M• X I V. Pfal.xg:u. WhocA»Nnderjlt~hd hiJ ErriNr? CltA»fu lho• me fromftfr.et fins. Shewingwhenceitischat even a g'Qdly man may ·be greatly troubled and perplexed, fearing heis an.hy-: pocrite. . SEn.K. xv. Direeti?ns for a godly man that is afraid he is an Hy– pocnte. I s Jl R M . XVI. Shewe~h how hard it is to be acquainted with the Cor-– rupttons and Errours of our heaxts and lives,and chc Grounds of it.. . .
SECT~ IV. ~f ~o,al ' anb 19~etftal cftro~l· s * RM. XVI I. . . ' .'fhat all fins and~ranfgrcHionsare ,damnable Errors. " . . s Bit M. XVIII~ . ,That all Sins aredamnable Errors, further demonfira~ · ted, ~ith fomc Helps ~gai~ft Sin. j · ~ _ SECT. V. . . Cl)e great e.talt,td of dD~a,e, s B :R. M. X IX. Humbled , pardoned Sinners the great Exalters ·of Grace, with the Re,fons thei:eof. SE~M. XX. More ReafGnSwhy the Soul truly fenfible of Sin dotb fo greatlyprizepardoning Gr~cc. s. 11. M. XX l., Thata due andfound managing of the neceifary poinc ·· of Self-examination and 'onfiant fearching into our felves, left any f(jlfe way be in-us, is ' wo1.1derfully confifient with the lifeof Ftti~h, yeaand necelfafily ' coherent with lhatJoy&.IU and Comfortable walk- - a 3. · ._ing_
The Contenti; ing ~hich the ~ofpel do~h.require : And that .a .. Mindl:~r or parttcular Chrt!han doth bu~ half h•s WOl'k that dothnot attend toboth. · . sE--CT. ~r.· J>f _,in~ ef ]gnoJance,tt~eCumptio~-anb me~i ingia a, ~an, a-alfotl)e~itfgatton~ an)) - :a!ggtabiltton~ of ,_tnnt. j s B ll w. XXII. Of Sinsof Ignorance, an·dhewitcomesabout that a godlymanma.y live inSin, and ooc know ir. / S J! 1o1. XXXI I I• . Direeling agodlyll)fnwhat todowho is atHilled unO: derthis conftderation,chat he cannot underftand all hisErrors. · sE RM· XXIV• . Pf:d.Ig~IJ. Keep !JAck t!Jy ServAnt /rfJm prefompt#om . fins, let them n#t hAve rilminien over me. How and by what means the grace of God keeps ~he godly from groife and prefumptuous fins. . SERM. xxv. Ofprefumptnous fins thatGodspeople: !bould chiefly prayagamft. . . · s ERM .. XXVI. Tne Ingre.diencs, and Aggravations; ofprcfumptuous fins. ~ SJRM. (
\ - - The. Contents~ s B R M. XXVI I. ~ O.f·Sin$Reigning in aman, withtheSignsand difco~ - vering Marks thereof. . · . S 'lit M. XXV I I I .. ·More Di£coverids of Reigning Sinti1\ a ntari, wich .its , Aggravations. · . · s IRM. XXIX. . ' ~hat Sincerity and Reigning Sin are inconljilent.· · S:saw. XXX• " . . . · 0 f the Aggravations of Sin~ sI RU. XXX I• . More Aggravations·of 5.~11! J . . . SECT. VII~ \ ' . 4'ftl)e lltfe anb10ohler of<IDQalfner# m <JC~mtln-, t&etron~,Dtttie•, in~pporttion to 'rttom- ' ae, ieeabner~ anb .:t"matttp. , s E RM. XX X 'I I. ReVel.3;t. 1kn1w thJ works, thAtthDN h11!111 N41ilt I !Jilt · thfJNliveft, Andarl dellfl. 9·f Gods Omnifdency as a Motive to the Truth and l\e~ity of. 9~~~~~ · - - · -· - · · ) .\ ; :'
' ~ 1 be Contents~ S~1 ~ J.~. _X X X Ill. Ofhaving onty·aNAme'' litUe; aReputeof being Re.;: ~ ligious without any true life:. .. '"' S n :a. :w.. X X XI V~· .The greatfinfulnefs anddanger of having .but a Name . roli~. · SB:tM. XXXV. TheArraignmentof Formallcy.Shewi~g that a!l Un.: regeneratedmenand their Duties~re fpirituallydead, and chat moll: menire in that eftate. s :ER M. XXXVI. AnAlarmfor droufie Profetfors.Setting forth tke ligns of aReligion, or Duties that are without fpiritual life. s B1l M. X X X V I I . Luk:u.I. BewAreyeoftheleven•l the Ph~triflts, r~/Jic~ 141lyp•crijie. : _ . : .. . . · ·The Leven of Hypocrifie. . s B I. M. X.XXV I I I. Of~~chOpinions that carrya man nofurcherthenHy: pocrifie. ' ·· s J! R M. XXXI x. The Properties ofa grofs Hypocrite in mattecs of Re.. . ~fu~ . •
I ...- . The eonrenis; sI J. M. XL. Setteth forth the great Aggravations of grofs Hypo~ .crifie to deter men from that fin. ·· - . SnRM. XL I. h Difcoveryofclofe Hypocrilie,withthc Caufesofic. s. a. M. ·x L 11. ·_ The Grounds orReafonswhyall ,fhould take heed of Hypocrifie. · . ' ' ''"; <I . ... b • \. ~ · • The
' . .. .. ._r · •· ' .. , . ' .• J ' ') t I • ... - The P R 1 N T ER to the R E A o E R. RBA:D BR, r;;;;;~~v.:~-:-: ~ onctrning Any Efct~pes that h11vt happened ' in thePrinting of tha Blisk, at fo greAt 4 : dijl~tn&e from the .Reverend t..Author, I 1~~~~- I h1p1 I may truly fay, there's not •ny judici– U . omRetztler wiU ftumble at imy word mif– printet!, hut ma1 cerreCIit himfelf; ~nd for sthers they uft 1JDtto hecurio116 in thumatter. I fray theeput Errorsfor Herefi.esin the Co11~ents ~~ t~t 1t · Sermon. , ,. t f A
(I) ~~~~aaaat~--~---a• .A TREATISE ~ oF -S I N N - E. -SECT.- I. ,Qf the Deceitfulnefs and Guile of· .' · Mans Heart. _SE R Me · I. '!'he Ingredients and:Demonstrations of theVeceitfulnefl,of the Heart. J E 1l B Me 17•9'• The heArt is deeeit{t~!l Above~oU things, tinddef}tratelj wit ... ked, who can know it? • N the former par.t of this Treatife ,, I fi~ifb.; · . cd my Difcourfe concernilllg the ·work of Grace in the hearts of Gods people,. under· . the feveral Notions and Titles it hat~, vi:G. · Regeneration, Santtification, ,c onverfion,&c. Now my W,tent is, to fllcw the contrary o~: oppofite to a\1; . ·- ~ thefe•. •
i oftbeDictltfulllej!ttntlGuileof M~fJsHe4rl~· _ thefe. For although it be a general Rule, that ReC1!4ni:; efl index fui. d- obliqui , Truth at the_fa~e time difcovers iu felf aad tU contrary errour; yet tt ts as general and , known a Rule~ That contraries fet together do more illu. flnte one another. That ehis work may be the better mana.: ged, I fu:1!1 fir.ti: treat on cheDeceitfulncfs ef mans heart in the general, and w~en that is c!early di_fcovercd, then all the particular and pawal hypocrtfies of tt may th~ fooncr be manifeftcd. Come we then to our Text; and for the Coherence of it, know, the Prophet in this Chapter- prophefieth of Ju.– d~ehs Captivity and Calamity: But ilie is_not made a Cap· tive to men , before- ihe had made her felf a Captive to' finne; Other Lords ruled over her, becaufe fo many luffs ruled in her. And the Prophet doth therefore declare . the ciufes of their punifument, that God might be jufti• .fied, and that_in their own Confciences ~ Hence ·ver. I. he faith, Their (innc '"'M 'Written 'With a pen of iron upot~ the t""ble of their he~t_rt. The guilt of their iniquities was.inde-– libly upon their own confdcnces, they could not but be convinced ofit, they c~uld not ~ide ttfromGod. Now the fins that were the caufes of their Judgement, or the vapours that made this thunder and lightening, were feveral: · 1. Idolatry, ver.1,2. . 2. Acarnal confidence in humane firength, forfaking the - Lord; He m4k!th flefo hid arm. And this fin efcarnal confidence is excellently defcribed by the curfed effetls of it, as alfo by the oppofiie grace, trufiing in God, and the b!dfed i.lfue thereof. Upon this the Prophet taketh occafion to go to the toot of aJl wickednefs, and that is in the heart ofa man,which · is the p(i}ifoned fountain .from whence all tbcfe infected ,fireams flow. So that in the Text you have; · t. A .Propofition, The heart is deceitfu/1: And in that ob.. ferve, I. The Subj~ct, the huert, that which is the chief and principal part of a man, tbe fountain of all knowledge,affe– d:ions and refolations:fo as fome Philofo.phers made the bead the chief feat or RA~tropolis of the foul in all her operations 1 r-;· · fo I (
ofthe Jeceitful#~/flaf!dgt~J/4 ofM4n.t htirt~ B (o the Scripture makes the heart t,he chiefplace of all. Thus you fee it· is not the -Eye or the Tongue, but the Heart, the beft,the moft inward part ofman. As the Pfalmift to exprelfe the high impiety of fome men,faid,their inwardparts ~ere verJ Wick._ednej{e, Pfal. 5' •9· or .as in the Hebrew wick§dne.JTes, the ab· \ flraa: for the concrete, and the'plurall number for the fingu .. br, to exprelfe the exceeding finfulnelfe thereof. . - 2· You have th'c Predicate,its deceitfu/1: The Hebre~woid comes ofa root to fupplant, and therefore 'jaco/; had his name from it, bccaufe he fupplantcd E[au about his birthright, 'Thus the heart of a man'is fuH efdeceit and guile, whereby hi' cofins himfelfof his own everlafting happinelfe. 3. There is the aggravatioe, above All things: There is no~ thing in the world bath fo much deceit. 4· There is the confequent effect, dejperate!y ~ick!d: ·The deceitfulndfe of it makes it incurable : As thofe parts of the body;vi~. the Lungs, whiclt are fo placed that no remedy can eafily come at them, are more incurably difeafcd ; thus the heart ofa man, having fo many fecrec and falfe windin~s, it is :very har4ly heale~. 5, 'this deceitfulndfe is aggravated by the infcrutability of it by any but.God alone; Whocan k...mw it:· I the Lord fearch theheart,&c. fo that the Lord only woo made·the lreart, he , knoweth all the depths of it. Obferve; ' That the heart ofevery ~an natura!l) isfull ofdeceit andguile, O~[erv~ , and therefore defpera_tely ~ickJd. · · . Solomon fpake_of four things hard ,to be found out,The go~ ing ofa Ship on the'fea,a Snake upon the rock,&c.Prov.3o.I9· becaufe thefe leave no fieps to trace them by; but you fee an harder thing then all the~e to finde out, vjjrtf"the heart of a "' , , man, and that not only m refpeel: of others, others cannot: know what is in a mans heart ;'but ofour own felves, we are not able to di.vf; int6 thofe depths : there.is an abyffe, .a deep within every n1ans heart, whereby he~poweth not the, bot- •tom of his wayes: Who thinks not b~ that he repenteth, he bel~eveth~ he loveth God, when (alas) his heart deceiveth him all tbe while: So that as this is a large fubjeCl: to preach upon, fQ.j)ts a very profitable and necelfary point. Indeed this • B~ · is • •
4 I t:Jf 1heJeieitfolnt/fe Atulguilt DfNdns htllrt: is the beginning ofour converfion, when a man comes to be undcceived : Till this deceitfulnelfe of the bean be in part re– moved, there is a great gulf between thee and true repen~ tance. T he IngrediTo open this let us confider firfl, W.hat goeth to make up ' ents of a de- this deceitfulnelfe of the heart, for there arc many ingre~ ceitfull liearr. dients in it. As ' r, · I· It implieth a great depth in every mans heart ·: That as ltimplieth ~ your deep waters are hardly fathomed, men .cannot difcern great depth m what is in the bottom ofchem,fo mans heart bath an abyffe.. h:~:-~ ,mans As God is faid to have his deep things; The deep things ofClod, • faith Paul, I Cor.2.16. and Satan Llis depths, The depths of S"· tan in the Revelation, Rev.z.24 fo m:\n bath his deep things ' alfo, infomuch that no man .can enr be acquainted with his own heart,that doth not fearch deep,dive deep into the fecret 1 things of his foul, oh,men would not fo eafily petfwade them· {elves that they do rctpent, that their wayes pleafe God, that they have good hearts, if they would fearch to the bottom: infomuch that the Scripture prelfeth this as a great and ne– ccffary duty, t9 fearch our hearts,toexamine our[elves. tocom– mMne 'With oHr own he4rts,and that on ourlmls,and to beftii/,P[al. 4·"1· We are to do it moll.exactly, and to take the moft quier: and fitteH: time,for there are thot1fands and thoufands of lafts · ·~ , lye in the bottom ofthe foul tbatdo not appear at firft. ~. 2. It implieth· the crook!Jdnef{e and unevenneJfe -of the he~~rt~ T~ crodoked- Even as the Serpent that goes in a crooked and uneven manneue an· un- , • f: .d .b r. 1_ h h b ,n. h evennef.fe of ner, IS u to emsre 1 Hutle t eH ot er eaJ. soft efield: Gen. she heart. J. t. Thus is it with amans heart, it bath many crooked turn• ings in it: when you would think you were going in away I ' towards God, prefcntly it.hurries afidc to the world, or to Come.lufts; therefore P[al.~8.2.6-_ to the pure and uprigha man,rs oppofed the m.an that 1s o-"ol\to; ftoward,or crooked ·and -therefore ~od is faid to be ftoward 'With [ucb a man; tb: He– brew word fignifies to wraftJe with aman,fo as by art to throw himdown ; and the fa-me word is attributed both toGocl and man, fo that while the deceitfull man doth like the wreCUer turn himfelf this way and that way into many motions and gefturc:s to obtain his end, even as JehHaad the ~h,J'ifce, God ~ on
.ofthtdeceitfolnejfe ttn d.rnlle 1f_M~t1S ht4r#. on th~ other fide will overthrow him, and be -above him j~ all his craft. The hea rt then is deceicfull,becaufe it bath many crooked turning way_es, iometimes toGod,and fometimes eo " -. the worldan~ Satan. . . 3· There is implyed the divers concavitie.r and /ecret 1'ecej[es 3· ofthe heart: That as ·the Labyrinth had many (ecret hollow The diy~rt p!aces and wln~i~gs,?ut ofwhich a~an ~ould neve~ expedite ;~cl[:;:~:~~- 111mfelf; thus 1t ts wtth amans hea r.r,tts l1ke a vafi wt ldernelfe ~effes of the where there is no trodden path or way, like fome deep y~ults hean. · where are many·horrid cells and holes: This the Apofile ex· cellently exprelfeth, Heh.u.4. where Gods word is faid to pierce even to the dividing a/under offoul and[pir:_it, and ofthe joint!andmarrow, and i& adifcerntr ofthe thou~hts and the in· tentJ ofthe heart. How many concavities, fecret lurking holes, wheels within wheels, are here in a mans 'heart? fo that only by the light ofGods word are we ever able to come to thein~ timaand minimathat are in our fouls. . · 4· _To thi& deceitfulnef[e, inconftancy anrlmutabilit) is a great 4; . caufe: The heart ofman is therefore deceitfull, becaufe it can lnconitancy be fo fudden,lyput into feverall and contrary fhapes;it will hate j:na mutal.">i~ what it loved, it will loath what it defired; it will appear in Jty. fitsasifreally lookin~ towards good, and·then pr~;fently cart offall again; no Polypus, no Camelion bath -more colours then the heart ofa man will have.This vertibility and unfled_:: fafineffe is a grandcaufe of all that guile within us, and die Scripture compares this deceitfulnelfe to a deceitfull bow Hof.7.16. that as the archer fi retching out his bow,and eve~ _ ready to delivtr out the arrow at a mark, at rhe very nick the bow breaks aod all falls upon the archer. Thus it is with , apeople, you would think they_had fet their hearts for God, . they were pitched on him, they were now approaching and , drawing nigh to him, but prefentlyall breaks and falls to the clean contrary. -Hence the Scripture brands every man witb -being a-lyar, Rom.3:4. Every mans heart is a lying beart till it be fanClified, there is no beleeving of it, no trufting ~fit. Now if you w~mld fe~ this down for a principle,0 Lord,how is it with me,how fhall I know wheR I am godly, when I have done myAacy? this.I,oncludcon, that I have to do witha .. } · - · B 3 notorious .~ ' · ' • I I
6 · fJfthe,jeteit{t~lneffe andguile ~1Mans he~~re.· notorious t1ar, branded by God for a lyar,and that is my own heart. o ·hlet me get out of this deceit, let me beleeve Iyes no longer. ·5 • S· Another caufe of the deccicfulnelfc of the hearti,s, tht T he horrible 1/orrifile ignorance 11nd d~r·k,nef{e which covers the whole /out. !{e / I gnorance an~ that walket.h in darkneffe, knoweth not whether he goeth, darkae!fe· of Joh.ra.)S .nowonder if fuch an one be alwayes out ofhis way. the foul. they c·annot but tread 'or f!ll into the ditch who are blinde: .. 6. Se'f.fLtttery and felf-love. Now thus it is with a mans heart, It"s like that deep created at firf1: 1 and darkpejJe W.u over the deep, Gen. I. Thofe depths of thy heart are covered all over with darkneffe, wit,[} igno· ranee and blindenelfe of minde, Eph. ).8. Hence converted men are called light, and unconver-ted darkneffe. How then can it he otlierwife, but that every man fhould deceiv;e his own .. foul, for he hath no light to difcover or to dlfcern all that filth that is in him. Thou art in a dungeon fuH Qf noifome vi– tious tufts that rife upon thee, and fill thee as fo many .£gy– ptian frogs, yet thou knoweft nothing, thou thinkefi all is well. Come out of the dark then if thou woutdfi be na long.; er,deceived. . . ' 6. Self-flattery And[elf-love, this doth in a great manner make the heart deteitfull. An over-weening ofa mans felf, Ever} mtins way h r'ight in hu own eyes, faith JgfomQn, PrQv. 2t.2.Who would think this were poffible !:yet if you fingle out mar:t by man, Every O;De would judge his own waies right. Therefore judging and condemning ofamans felfis that which every ttve convert firft fct upon. He doth no longer jufiifie himfelf,no more flattet and delude himfelf; yea he cryes Qut, Wo b~ to me that I called darkneffe light, and good evil. '11ius the convert b'ewaileth himfelf, but. till this work of grace - come,every man is a Py.gmaleon, he is in love with himfelf,he ~itl never be convinc~d that he is undone, thae· his eftate is damnable, that he is OUt oflChrifi ana fo hopeleffe: Oh l,lO,he is tOO rriuclfin· love With himfelf ever to be thU.Sperfwaded. Thou thoughte{t, faith God,that f'W.u fuch an o~e tU thy[tlJ,Pfa. so.zr. Tfius a man through felf-love being deceived,irnagin– eth frich a mercifull God to lrtmfel'f. as he.would.have, and judges ofGod according to his owndifpo£ition: ~.s t·hat.Ro· . . ~ ~~ ' i \
ofthedeceitfolnefe andguile ofMans lieart'. man Painter being to paint a Goddeffe,drew it after the image ofthatwoman he was in love with : tht,ls felf- 'love fills a man with fpiritua14runkenndfe, fo that he is aJtogether deceived in what he thinketh or doth. '7 Laftly, The deyeitfulmffe of the heart i& not fmly from inn6ttc 1· ,' , ctm[es,hut WondtrfullJ incrM[edby anoutward,Wkichu the dev;t, Mal}.S'1lear~ t.he who hath hu thro'fJe and/eat in tVtrJ mans he~~rt; that as we read devi!s thrQne._, -of bodies poffdfed by the devil, fo cvery'mans foul is fpiricu- .ally poffeffed by Satan. Ephef.z.the devil is called the Prince of thuWorld,and is faid to rule in the hearts ofthe difohcdient. Hence he is called theJlrong one that poffefJefh the hwfe, till c;hrift a flronl{er the!_~ he ccmeandconquer him,Luk.r 1.2r. Now rne devil he is the Dragon, ~ev.u.3. and that oldSerpent .full ofcraft and fubtilty, and' fo the heart of aman being hisinfirummt muft needs partake of his guile. The devil at fidl: ufed the Serpent becaufe mpre fubtill then other beafis of the, field; fo he delights to ufe the hearts ofmen,whid1 are the feat oftheir .wifdome and underlJanding; and where there are t~e bell parts and greatcfi ~bilities, am he aefires them more then ' ' others. , 1 Thus you fee how many wayes this<h~ceitfullne!fe comes to be in evt'ry mans heart. It was the voice of the ·hea~hen Oracle, Nofce teipfum, Know thy felf; they tbought this the beginning of wifdome, and c-ertainly tie is ht a ready way to falv~tion, who begins to dillruft his own heart, thnbegins to· think, I have given coo much credit, l have eafily beleev'd what my heart bath told me, and there is _no greater folly in the world then this; what faith the Wife man, He that trufteth in hu own heart ua{ool,Prov.28. 26, Certainly not in the world only but even in the Church are fuch fools that put a vain confidence in their own hearu; that ~bey are well, that they repent·,that they love God. In the next place we 1hall·give you fever-aIfSigns or de· Si~ns and d'e– monftrations a pofteriori, that the heart of a man is ~hus de! monfrratio~s. ' ceitfull. . . of the J.ece_lt• fi n. 1 h ·11 • • . fullnefie at-the As ru, n t at aman 1\1tu generai!J t~ck.._now{edge the mce]Jity heart. and duty ofgodlinej[e,but then co.me to hu particular, that he muft 1 • live fucha£<~ldl.J life~ he rnuft. thm ftrive to enter inat the ftraite Men will ac~ •• g11te. · / ' \ I
8 () f thedeceit{Hlntffi anagt~Ue if M~tll· htlrt. knowle~ge the [.Ate, thllt hecannot)'eeldto. What a groffe deceiving of amans ne~~~tk ~f fdfis this ! If to be godly iR the generall, if t0 walk holily in ~~e ~~:e~all th~ abfl:rad be fo good and necelfary,, is it not alfo for thee in but ~ill no: particular? We rea_d of a young man, that came with much ' · be fo for their voluntary readinelfe to Chrifi, and Chrifi feeing him fo con• own p~rtifident, to difcover the deceit in his heart, bid him to obferve cular. th~ Commandements; he replieth, He had kept all from his youth, M11tth.t9.~o. whereupon our Saviour gives him aper.. fi>nall command to difcover the falfhood of his heart, Go and . fell that thou h11ft andgive to the poor; which prefently was like the jealoofie water tO the adultrelfe WOman, made his thigh to rot,he Went awayforr~wfuU,for he badgreat po{fejfiom: I bring this inllance to fhew, that dolm eft in generalihm,gcnerall cbm.· mands, ·and generall duties people approve of,bm then when '- it comes to their particular, they fly backan4 difcover their n,akednetfe.Is not this a palpable deccit,for aman to commend godlinelfe, to admirer an holy life,and yet when it cmnes eo his p.utituli!r,he no wayes eo endtavour after it? 2. So fecondl_y, oa the contrary, The dec._eitfulneffe ofthe heart They will 11ppeareth, in thllt mm 'Will difcommend,yea ~tndcondemnJinne in ~on~c:mn !i~ 1 the general/; andyet in their particular, pra£life, Wallow in it. ~~d ee~e~~~i' How can men come eo be thus groffely deceived? -They will live ln it, 1 acknowledge drunkennelfe, lufis, oaths are grievous fins, that God is offended by them, and hell belongs to fuch ; yet for their particular you {hall finde them committing fuch fin~. Thus as David, when theParablewasofaman in the generalJ, that had tlolcn,his neighbours Lamb, his wrath "as kindled ,and he mufi have fcvere punifhment, ~ Sam.u.t1. but he did not know he was the man. Oh thou that readeft and hcarea rvery day, [wear not •t all., and that thinkeft not, I am the fwearer,1Ames 4. that hearc:fl, be not drunk. 'With 'Wine \Vherein i& exceffe,Ephcf.+ and that thinkefl not I am the drunkard, and fo ofevery fin:Oh were it not for that abyffe and depth of guile in thy heart, ' thou couldfi' neve_r prachfe that in parci-: cuJar which thou condemncfi)n generall. . ;. 3· The dece~tjuinef[e of the heart ,rppears, in that there is no · In that there kindofgrllce o.r aut) requiredby God, but the heart ofaman 'Wilt i$ no gr.ace•.Qr do thecounterfeit of it._It will do that which is li~ it, ·and. yet · • · . ( r ~lifer )
_, - , · O{the i/eceiifrJ/ntjttAIIdgui/eo/'I_HanJhet~rt.· 9 differ from it as much as earth from Heaven; Thus,doth a duty require4 godly David humble himfelf upon the Prophets admonition? b~ ~od bf fo doth Ahah. Doth a David finde gladneife ia his faeart by ~~n ~ui j 0 a the word ? fo the temporary believer receives the wor4 with the counterfei~ joy, Matth.13. What(oever the godly do in the truth ~nd ofi~·- - --~ ·reall power of grace, that the hearts even or unregenerate men have fometimcs afaint imitation of: as it w.as with Pha· r11ohs Butler and Baker, they both dreamed,:md their dreames were-very like,infomuch that when rofephinterprcted the But– lers dream, that his. head fhould be lifted up; the Baker he – was encoura~~dand cold his dream alfo, .but ~hat was to fig.. nifie his head: fhould be lifted up, not to Heaven, but difl1oA nour,to be hmged. Thus in Chriflianity both feem to beleeve alike, to repent alike, but the principle,, the manner and the end have a world of ditference: Even as the waters of the fea ' and of the clouds·, though :both are water alike, yet one is ' brac.kifh and fah:, the other fweet; infomu-ch that t~ere is .fcarco any grace which fome unregenerate men are not fa id to have, as to beleeve,to repent, becaufe they have the outward refeniblance of ir, fo that. a~,exc~Hent PlimeB have draw!1_ the .image ofthings_fo lively, that the fpecbtors have almofi been d,eceived~thinking life it fdf to be in them, thus it is with the hypo.crifie and fallhood in ours hearu. · 4• Thi& deftitfulmjJe doth appear, not onlJ in thllt they can do 4· tho(e things th11t are /if<! Grace, hNt they have {uch a{enfc and a And be per– perfw:tfion upon ~hem thAt they~tre indeed the_1/trJ graces. j\nd [waded ~hat oh the VJrofull tragedy tfaat this deceit bath made, men being they are mdeed perfwaded of themfdves,that they have the Spirit ofGod :.md the verygracet~ his graces, when they are nothing but the deceitful! motions · of their own hearts. Did the foolilh Virgins perceive any-de· fed: in themfclves? did they not go out as confidently to meet .:the bridegroom as the wife, Ulttattb 25 ? What did our Sa– .viour.mean by this, but that many Chr-illians· would live and ·.die. w1t~ - ~ confident boldn~ffe that they are going to Chrill: the!r~brtdegroom; and not have ,the leall: thought that they wan~ oyl,~hat th.cy want the main: Oh that this truth might falll1ke l1ve coales of fire into your breafr. · There is ~ delti– fJon,~ fal~c _p~~f.wafi?n uponmofi men~eans:they are a~cCl(d - ··· ., , __ • } ' as , _,
10 ofthe deceit/ulmf[e Andguile ofMttni HeArt. as ifthey were godly,as if they did belong to God,when there is a vafi gulf between them. I do not fpeakthis to unfettle the render and godly heart, thlt ht fhould doubt of his condi· tioo, but 1 to ranfack the prtfumptuous and felf.fbttering heart: Oh it will one day be not as thou thinkefi, as thou fee • le(l,as thou art perfwaded, but as the truth of grace is inde~d in thee. · f. 5. The deceztfulneffe of tbe heatt 11ppears, in that men 'Will ln that men- /eem t'o love and honour tho/e godly men th4t lived in former tz'mes, will Ceem to but now c.tnnot abide thofe that live With thun, though following loveand ho fuch menr fl rps. This i.s a deceit in mans heart : obferve it in :~~ly ~eo~~hat the Pharifees;oh how religiouOy and devoutly do they fpeak: lived in former -Ifwe had lived in the Prophets dayes, we fhould not have kit– times, but can- led <ir fioned them, and therefore-theY. built up famous mo– not abicle ~hofe nur:nents for their memory: yet they kl)led tht: Apoftles who thdt £\r Itve lived in their daies, who walked ih the·ft-eps oft be Pro'phets. :heir fie;~ From thcn~e one of the ~ncients well exhorteth, lfyou hear a !Dan pratfing the anctent Doct:ors and' Teachers of the Church, fee how he is affeCled to his prefent Teachers: Thou · thatcommendeft Pani,Peter,Auftin,Chryfoflom,theiri.eal and courage againfi wickedneffe, if. thou doft not love the prefent zeal and godly fervor of thy Teachers, its from the deceitful– .neffe of ahy heart. The other demonftrations of this guilfull -.. heart I fhatl infifi on the next day. To conclude, Lee this infiruet thee in the fountain and rife '- ofall our calamity, this deceitfull heart is the root ofall thy fpiritualJ evil : therefore thou thinkeft not of repenting or turning to God, therefore our preaching and your hearing _is in vain. As we fay, lrs impoffibleto cure the Church ofRome becaufe ihe bath !ttfum principiurl'!, ihe holds fhe cannot erre; · fo its here; Therefore thou art not perfwaded to change thy lt-ear.t,thy life, becaufe chou arc deceived as if all were well at– ready; OhJfyour hearts were like white black~ as Ariflotle faid the foul was, then we might the more eafily write the tawofGod in your hearts; but it is all over bloacbed and h!otted, There are deflrudive principles in you, againlf which there is no difputing, no preaching till ·God remove the ver.y fundamentall prindp_les.inyou. Begin then witQ this truth, · f I.hav.e
oftht Je(eitft~l11effi 4ndguilt ofMAns ht4rt~ I have beena miferable, blinde, deceived wretch all my life · time, I verily thougbt fuch a way would leade to heaven, my heart told me all was well, I need not be troubled: buc oh how am I confounded, how greatly wa!i I Out of the Wa1J _ till God opcried my eyes. · ' ·······~···~··~ \ ' S .I R M. I I. More Signs -andVemonflrations of the ~.dece'iifulnej]e ~~the Heart. ~, J E It. I7• 9• T~eheArl # f/eceitfoUAGove All1hi11gs) who ct~n k110W it? T Here.remainJurther Signs and Manifelhtions of the de.J i! ,' . c~itfullne(feof mans heart; To which I proceed: And _ . ,Firll, Thi& u apl.tin jignof r·he groj[e hypocrijie 1112d gNil ~fa ' 6• . mans hutrt, that thuugh a ml'ln live ingrojJe an.d notoriom fins That t1~ou~h ' r. · · 11 • h l ./1. d dJ'·l h a man lVCln that ~re con1Cien~1am vauantta, ! at ~t) wa;• e an . e; o.ate t e groife fins, yet . CQn{ct,enterJCt he hopesfor falvatton: You would thtnk that DO he hopes for . fnch mad delufion could enter in a mans heart; let what is falvation. mo.re frequent .then tbis impofiure over the whple Church? Be not dettived (faith Pa11l) neither ~rdultere_rs nor unrighteom perfons foalt inherit the K i11gdomof Heaven. Obfcrve that eau- , tion~ Be not deceive~. This fuppofeth that they were very ape to delude thei~own fouh, thinking they mi.ght be f:tved,not– w.ithfianding the commiffion9f chofe notorious fins, and oh howmany do drink ·down this fweet poifon! ifnot, how .could fo much wickedneffe and ungodlindfe -be found amongft Chritlians !··,or if any one Cinner be quefiioned in this point, whether he hope to be faved, he will without any fcn1ple anC 2 twer • 'I ••
1~ of the dueitfolneffc andt,uile~1Mans htdn: fwer in the affirmarive~Yes that he doth,God forb id elfe.Now where can he have this hope? Whence can his heart perfwade him? Doth not every- leaf in the S,cripture fiand like a fiery Sword to keep him out ofParadife? Doth not every Chapter in the Word of God meet him as an Angel with a naked Sword to Balaam to fiop him in the way, yet for aiLthis he blctfcth his foul, and faith, It will go well with 'him. Were. not aman bewitched and deceived in agrolfe manner,he could no more judge that his way was a way of falvation, or his life a life or happindfe, then that the SuA is ablack coal, or light is darkndfe. If hell ever be made heaven, if clods of earth be-made fiars, then he may think fuch as he is fhall be fct on Thrones ofglory. Ohbeloved howdowepitypoorbewirch– rd creatures, that have loft their,limbs, their fcnfes! but here is a fpirituall witchery, an heart-forcery, that is above all ex– preffion. Think pf this again and again, you that live in pro– phane courfes, you need,not fay, Who will tell me what will become ofme? how fhall l kno\Y whether this life of mine· will be rewarded with happineffe? Alas ! even the vuy bJinde may fee this; The Scripture hub made and fet it up likea Beacon, that all may take flotice of it, vh.• That he that fow– eth to t·he jle{h,/hall of the jlefo re11p corruption, Gal.6.8. 7. 2·. A'nothtr Sign of the deceitfHlnejfe of the heart, u to reft To refi' con.; contented in thepriviledges 1md pr_omifa in Chrifti.znit}, not at temtd.~ith all regarding the duties ~nd obligation! ther enforce. They are t~et~~~~~dg~s fatisfied in the Titles ofBeleevers, of being Chrifiians by p'ro• :y, anJ~~:ta~~: fcffion, and as for the offices and duties which thefe do indif.;. garding the pcnfabJycom.ma~d, c_hey do_n?t regard rh_em. Now what pal• duties they en- pable hypowfie ts thts, to dtvtde thofe thmgs that God bath· force. . fo infeparably conjoyRed?Let every one that·nameth'the n~tme of Chrift, depart from in;quit]: 2 Tim. I .19. Thofe that cried Lord, Lord, and had prophefied, yea, and calt out devils in - his name, becaufe they had not dellroied rhe works of the devil in theirlives, but were workers of iniquity, therefore Chrifi bid the-m depart, he knew them nor. Mat.7 . Every man then that is baptized, that is by profe.ffion a ChrilHan 7 · and yet walketh not accotding to all that godly order Chrifr P;refcribeth, T.his mans heart d.eceiveth him: He is not what he:
·(J[tht deceiifutneffe 41'idgnilt of M llns ht4rt~ J·J ~ethinks hi'mfelf to be, and one diy it wiiJ appear fo: Thus' the Apo!HeJam. 1.26. If any man[eem tobe religiot-u,.andbrid~ leth not his tongue, he..deceiveth himfelf, :megr..o;:ge1, he puts a· falfe Syllog.ifm upon htmfdf, he takes mm cau[11 procaufa, He thinks R(ligion in the feeming appearance of it is enough .: , So w'e may make _that of the Apofile an univcrfall Propofi... tion, If an!f manfecm to he religiom, andbridleth not his tongue, ' bis eyes, cfpecially his heart and affeClions from all manner of Jafis and irnpieties, this mans Religion is a meer deceit and fnare to him ,: This is·a dangerous arid an uriiverfall deccitfull– ndfe·; therefore the Apoftle James in that generall _Epifile of his, fpends a great part induJ.l:rioufly to fhcw, that .that faith– isa dead faith, and he is but anin man that cannot demon..– ftrare the profcffion of his faith by the fruits of a godly life. Chrifi was not fatisfied to fee leavcs upot:a the figtrce, .he look– ed fpr fruit, and bccaufe that w.as wanting, he curfed it with that heavy cu.rfe, Never fruit to-growmore of it. Come ·then ~qut of all thy difguifes, thou art a childe of the.devil, and . in the ftate of gall and bitternelfe, though with Sim6n .!~fagm thou ·makeft a·profdlion of thy faith and art,baptized; and ·obferve why Simon UUagmw.as fo, bccaufe hu he~rt \\la~ not right \\lit·hin him, Atl. 8. 13. He. did not think fo, or p,cr.. perceive-~; till Peter told him, .and then he pray~th for pu.. · don ·: Thou therefore t'hat dofi ·not Jive in duties. according · to Chrifiian privifedges, lay o!f thy counterfeit drelfes, God knoweth thee; Jc•s here, as whe.n the Kings'Wife-went dif ... guifed tQEiifoa ~hePr-ophet, while fh~ was ·entririg ,in~at.tlie door; Come in thou Wife of ?eroboam faith he; It was no . :hiding from C:he"Prophet or thet1ord :·and thus ·may thy,own heart fay, Come thou hypocrite, ·chou falfe heart, bewa ~l thy guile, tpou dofi mock God and mari)i cis in vai-n to cover any thing from God. . · · '3; The .deceitfulmffe"-of tbc.·hf.art:'llifp..eareth in thft[i fr t;queff,t "Th ,hg, .J · d f · · h · · · .r. l. . · h e earts den· anamrrnycomman s_ to'}ear:c ·tt, .to trt}''tt; .to 1ran 1 acl(.,. tnto t e ceitful ffc' •.- very hottomof it: Now if the heart were plain and open; if pears i~~h~f!_ l t ha.d ·no d·epth~, no·.fecret windi'ngs, what need all eh is, you many corn· · ·are commanded to make a private fearch as for t-hee ves and mands to . f11ics in your own brea1ls: :How..ofc.en is· that S.xhortation fcar.ch and · " · · - · _ ' try.J.t •. · C l i.Jet ;l • / I '
; J4'· 'ofth4(/eteit(ulnefft ant/ g~lle 8/ Mans he4rt. -L~t Uifi4rch andtry Mr W.~tiet, -E-X-;tmim- and-·pr~ve '}oNr o_wn {elves: .As the Artificer i~ tarefuU to bring his gold to the. , touchflone, to fee .whether good or bad, yea Ph#.4. Com· mune Withyour own hearts uponJOHr bed1, and be ftiit; digge ,, into them, fome tranihte, fwee.p them diligently, others; as . the woman took acan~t~ and fwqpc the houfe for her loll: groat; Oh the lulls, the corruptions of thy heart, do not at the fidl, fecond, or third fearch appear, Thy luft may lie in thy heart, as Achans"Wedge ofGold, covered in the earth, and . bid among other fi:uffe, thou maifi: live forty _c;>r threefcore years, and yet bea great fi.ranger t(),thy own. heart~ not know .what fins lie there, what corrupdoQS·· pre~ail over thee, and th~refore the Scripture as the· firij initiaJI and preparative ,work .o( all command~ to Search our hearts, yea, we mull take fit times, an.d be fiill, with much meditation and quiecneffe make a fHuEiny and feuch·into our hearts, that tbofe fnakes and worms which.lie ·under-ground ma:y be broQ_ght to light. ,Rut how is this'duty negl:etled 1 the .very Papifis will rife up at .judgement and condemn us, who have hours on purpofe .appointed them for this examination and fcarch of the heart: and SWare.~ a I efuice faid,he more pri4ed that time,c~en al.l the other wherein he handled thofe v.oluminou,s Comroverfies: the truth is, · fi:udyingyour. hearrs;ftar~hi1;1g i~to yo}:tr htaris, difputing ,with them, is the moll pro.fitaJ>l~ and advancagious ftudy that can be: Oh that you wo.uldJead tbc;>fe p~>Oks more, t~at .you would undcrlland cbe fente and mea.r~in_g ·of your hearts,r .this. w0u.ld quickly.' ma~e ~ou .a (c.hq{ar in Chrills iftb9tJI'. L ( ; , ! - " ' ~ ' • . . . . . . To underfiand the·motions ~of the Heaveqs a•nd .not oftby own heart; to know the natures and operations of Herbs and Plants, and not of:Chy own fool; to meafure the dirnenfions ofbodies,and not the depth and length and bredth:ofthy own heatc;ls bt.1t a .barren.lmpMed~e. ·V\\~1n.ay f:ay,, .P,hyQ~i~n heal thy felf, Afi.ronetiler q1eafur~·ehy <>:wn bean; .PhHo.fophcr un· 9. . derfiand thy own1natnre. . In tha:t it is 4· The deceitfulneffe ofiheheart .~tppet;trrth, in tkat it iJ appro.: ,appropriated priated o'nly to God to k._now it. The Angels, th}>fe C1'1\ct cr~a;~:~n~w~~.d ·· rures, are not a~le - to kno·w1what 1s 1n.;t man~ he~rc) n!J~ the , · F :,. ·• devil
I ' . ofthe tlectitfolnefteandg~lleofMttns he~trt.- . 'divel~· -any further then by conje8'ure5, or fo far as a man re: . veales himfelf. You fee upon this quefl:ion, Wh6 c~n k._now it ! is replied, l.the Lordfearch-the hearts~rn~ try the rtines; fo that the heart of a man is fuch a deep ocean,mco the bottom where– of none can dive, but the a!I-feeing eye ofGod, to whom .darkndfe and light is all one. Is not the hea:rt of a man then full of concavities and windings, when Angels and dive Is are not able to knowwhat is in our bre.afh. Indeed the Prophets did fometimes know t he hearts of others,as Elifott. knew what · was in Gthq.ae~ ~eart, but this was by Gods 'reveJatif:>n, be · made thoft: 'thoughts known to the Prophet '. Hence we prove -. Chrifl: eo be true God, becaufe. he .knew what was in-.men,· hearts, yJ~_ b_e disl fee 'What 'W.u in their heartr,, that is more · then to ,know, for I may know another mans thoughts, if he r~veales them tom~, but I cannot fee them in thei~ hearts, ·}-et Chrift ,faw :'What W.u in their he11rtf. , Hedcc the Apoll:t'e · .faith_, If our heartJ condemnm; God is greater then our hettrtl, 1 {oh.J. He knows f.ar more evil byus then we do our felves. _ lfwe then can difcern fo many errors,fo much filthineffe,whae · doth the Lord know by u·s! This made the Apoftle fay ,thoNgh - ' <he k_new nothing by him[elfJet 'Wr~~s h"n,ot thereby jufti.fied,for. it is - the Lord t'hatjudgeth,I Cor+4· Oh then r-emember this,.thac . . . GocJ knows more by tbee then thou thy {elfdoett, and ifyet thou canfi perceire fo much that makes thee abhominable in thy own eyes an~ a very bean, how much more .doth God , know tb,is by thee l . ·, '· . 5. T.his gH.i/i;ofthe he.ArJ is not-ti/;lymanif.ejled in· this; That Io.:' tVIna regenerat-e find 11-godly m~tn, Vilho i1{anOlifird hyGods Spi· Godly men rit' thltt hath truth in the inward parts, yet he hath-much ofthis have much of hypocrijie and deceitfulm./[e abiding in him. That ruO: then-muft this d~ceitfulneeds cleaYe clofe, which fuch tiling det h not get off. That ndfe tz:vthem. droffe.then mufin:ceds adhere, which tbi"s fire of-bunting will . !lot co~fnme. That m is deceicfulnetf~ is fiilJ .adhering fee,ic an DAV1d, though ·unan afcer Gods ~t.eart: With ·wha t hypo- - , crifie ·did he contriv.e' his adultery wi~h /Jath./htba, and tbe murder ofVriah? bow many fubtle projeCts had h-e to hide . and cover his finne? Now that the byporr-ifie of his lleart car– riccl1him to all this, _:aPP-~areth by_Pjal>SJ,.: Thou deji_reft trmh , -i ,; l - . \ -
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