Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

r'8~ of UprightnejJe 1[He.rt: or man,who wm ~~ fuch a bea(fin private, fuch a bruit in fecret ? -..__-- -·· •ru!.t inkeft d1 is well while others know npching. Oh there is nothing r~cret,but fiu11 be made manifefi ; ye! it is already manlfelt to God, and many times he makes fuch guilt in thy -confcience, thlt thou thinkeO: every body knoweth thy wic· kednelfe,every man fpeaks ef thy impiety : As Herodwhen he beard ofthe fame ofJefu5,prc(ently his guilty confcicnce fug· gdls,Its {ohn ~hom I have beheaded. - . _ 16, Lafily, Ajpirit "WithoHt GNilt, bath an Hniform anduniver• La~ly it bath [.ill h11tred to alljin11e, 11nd 11n etjH~tll refpeEl to t~ll dNtiu. Guile a u_mf~rm 11 ahnd and deceit doth pick and choofe, but Gncerity is -univerfall. umvena 1· H ·t l h h' b . d R u . d h tred to all fins, ~tte ev_e, c eave to .t llt \\1 ~c u g~o , om.. r z. . -Id~ _ot not ~·· · fay, thls, or that evtl, but ·~definttcly, ' whtch Ill a-~ C,c~lfary matter is equivalent to an umnrfall. So that whatfoe';ver bath dte nature ofevill, though littfe or great, thoilgh pleafant or profitable, thoagh beloved and· a darling eyill, yet hate.it: the grcek word is svyg,.m, from whence comes s-u;,even hell; as if be would hu·e faid, hate it as you do hell it felf: and 1ndetd the evill of finne is worfe then the evill of hell;- for _ though hell be malumpr.enale, a~cnerall cvill, yet its bonum ~rdin~ttivHm in tefpea ofGods juRice,hell is good juflice, as a prifon and torment is, though nocive evils to the parties of- , fending: fo that every upright nun bath an inward hatred, and an irreconcilcablc frame of heart withlinne; now·odiHm .eft circ~J Hniverfali~t, where hatred is, it would·not ddlroy this or that individuall, but chc whole fpecics; as we have a preg– nan~ inflance in H11man, who became Mordec~tics bitter ene– my, the text faith of him, that hnhought it a /mall matter to deftroy Mordecai, but he thoHght to deftroy the 'd'hole Nation ()f the 1nl'l, nothing would fatisfie his h~tred but that: And thus it is with a man whofe fpirit is without Guile, it is a fmall matter to leave this or that finnt, but his p.urpofc is, to Ill) the Axe to the very r~ot, to mortifie the body 6lffin~e: God is di.fhonoured, and the Law is broken, and my foul is defiled (faith he ) as long as any of thefe {ebujitndwell in the Land : and thus on the contrary it hatb an uniform refpeCl to all duties, for aquat~nmad 07pne valet con[eqHentia,if I obey fuch a comma.nd becaufe God c;ommands it, and out of love to the Law giver, '