Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

88 18. It abhors the way of lying. o{Uprightntffe of He4rt: or foarp (words.Th!s is a contrary dif~ofiti?tt.to Sheep andDoves; which our Savwur compareth h1s chtldren .unto. Oh then abhorre fuch amonfirous deformity and contrariety between thy mouth and thy heart : Phyficians ufe to judge of the bo– dy by the tongue, but that is no figne_in morality, where men abound in all diffimulation and fallhood. 4uftin once ,ufed an hyperbolicall expreffion in love of a deceafed friend, and he thought good eo bewaile it in his retratl:atiom. Thofe were bleffed times~ when all thH beleeved, had one heart aNd ene minde : and the Heathens by way of admiration cried out Ecce quamfe mutu~ diligunt,&fratres voc11nt! -But now love i; banifhed,and we are fallen into fo many divilions and animo: fities, 'that unleffe Epicurm his opinion prove true,All things are made of atomes; or another,By difcord, 1do not fee how we can hold. 2. An Heart ~i'thoHt Guile, dotb exceedingly abhor the ~ayof 1y;ng, .cannot endure any falfe or untrue fpeeches. Thou art _deceived,who fayefl: of agodly man, He ~illnot[wear, but he 'Will!Je: No; a man without guile abhorreth all fuch wic– kednelfe : I hare everyf4l[e Way ,(aidDavid,Pfa.l. I I 9.104.And deliver me from the \\?ay of lying, Pfal. I 19. 29· The i\pofll~ makes ir an argument, that becJufe they hfldput o(f{he oldman" ,and put on the new,Col-3-9· they !hould not !ye one to {(nother, any kinde of lye, whether per_nicious, or officious, or a(port:;*'::~, 1ng lye. The Scripture doth mmany places condemn-a lye f Aufti'n wrote a book againtl: it, and lhtJWeth that it is not lawfull to tell a lye, though it were to fave an whole wodd; and exceedingly cornmends a man,who havin~ hid a Chriman, and was fought afcer by the cruell perfecucor, be returned this hereicall anfwer, Ne~ mentiri pof{um, nee prodere v~lo, I cannot lye, nor yet will I betray him : Though Mufculm condemneth this,and faid he betnyed his friend,w~i.le he f.aid he could not betray him. And indeed a lye.is intri~fecally,and in its own nature a finne, and can never be made good, ,no more then Idolatry or adultery. As there is no lawfull IdoJa~ try, no lawfull adultery under any pretence whufoever, fo no lawfulllye under any colourable excuft¥: and und~r this head we comprehend all f;~ith[utne[Je inpromifn~, &ov.enanjs, or , promif{oQ