Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

The HeArt withetlt Guile..;~ de~cit,and bloody craft? yet for all tbis,which feemeth to be aCamell to &uls Gm~t, we fee, though God in a very grie• vous manr1er affiitt D.~J'Ziidfor it, yet the Kingdom is ,not removed from him: Now why i.s there fucha diffennce? furely this may be-a main one; :saNl notwithfianding all his goodly pretenc(·s, 'yet he was rotten at the core as we fay; his heart in the bottom .of it was wholly fa)fe, as appeareth by mapy other difcovcries of it: But DA'Z!id though his faults were very foul and groffe, yet becaufe his hearr, was for the main, acco.rding to Gods will, therefore God is the more Indulgent to him : fo that alth~ugb fome fruit be bierer, yet if there be afweet root in the bottorn,this will at Jail finde favour. Sowe may compare JudM 'and Peter, they both deny their Mafier, and they both repent a'nd are greatly troubled after fo great a anne; but Peters tears come from a good pleafant fountain within ; 'judMwas like acloud that may gufi out with much rai.n, but having no cenfiant fountain to fupply it,it is prcfently dried up: The Lordbegood, faid He~ekjah, tothofe who had prepared thtm{el'Ziet, viz. in th'e uprightneffe,of their hearrs for the Paffeovcr, thpugh they Wtre net purified according to . , tht Lt~w. • 9J 4• '(hi& guilelef{efpi~it ua \'Vonderfull.comfort a,r:dfuppert in· 1: . the medfl of all temptatzons andfadajfitflzons V.ihttt/otwr. Satan The wonder• can never overwhelm that foul which hath thefe Letters of full comfort commend~tion. He~ekJah had from within and without, ~n~ fnpport it enough to crufb him into pieces, but his heart is,like Oke, its aU1~Mi~f:~ j firong and found, and all becaufe he knew be had \\?alk.£d be- and tempta-: fore God in truth 11nd uprightnef{e. Tbus Paut alfo,who may be tio11s. ~ called the Chrifiians Hercu/es, were it not too low for him; becaufe he devoured more the A twelve, or twelve labours· ~nd what was that which made him fo bold and aCtive? it wa: nothing bu t the tefiirnony he ha'd of his godly fimplicity, 2. Cor.I.t :1. that he had avoided flefoJ wi/edom in the difpen- '- fatron of be Word: Hence this truth and fincerity is fo often compared to a girdle in the Scripture, beuufe as aman girt up,is more expedite and fit for any fcrvice, fo a godly man enjQying this truth of fpir it, is very expedite and prepared for. any cmploy.mcnt, either to db or to futfcr. Wo11ld you fee·a N 3 notable;;: