Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

,._I '(L' . I • ' ' C•fes1{C1nfeien1e #11# silue'r;tjg,E RM;· X.I II. ' . _Sheweth~rha~for men to aEI unfeigned,_ ~ bacc6rding·to their Confoiences, with~ .out guile, in the.ir ownwayof'Reli- . giol), doth not demonjlrate them to be (uch fineere ·men as qod app1 ~'l'e:r of, \ ·a.nd unto rP.hom the.Promifes_ belong. i e./flnece/Jaryltemfor theft CJtmes• I verily t~lught - 1wM-IiPtmd tP tl~ what l did, _· co1Jtr.try :te ~ - the Namt~f:JefusPfNdZArtth. · . · , . l THis text bath aff6rded as already this ru.urkable Pofi– tion, That men, though not regenerated, .may he he~trty ttnd . uNfeigned, in many particHI~rs both of Relij}on tow11rds God, ·• 11ndrighteoufnej{e towards "m~tn. . . ' T~eJr ~e~rtyd,J Now I com,e to !htw, wherein the'infufficienc-r offuch hear• an• unre1gne · 1h · ·.I • ft :teal isunfuffi. t) ~e~~/ dothappear : and that a t ough they ltve llO~a·gam · c:icnt. · the llgbt of their confcience,, or l'tbdl againfi that, yet they hAve not JPfrits without guile, n,or are thofe upright andjtf!cere · I ·. T l!eir zeal is net reaHied )ily,t he Word ~f.GtJd. men, to 'Whom the promifes do belong. . . And firlt, They dogroflJf~tiJ in thu, that theirreligiom ~t~tl, And hearty devout affe8ions are not rectified h1 the "WirdofGod. :Though they ~av.e a zeal according FO Ehc:ir own k_nowledge, , yet