Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

'. · c.:, cajiufConfoiencc about Sincerity I rc:afon, it teacheth a righteoufneffe· without u~, a11d not in us, fo as to be wrought by us. The ireat Maflers of moral~ty, Arijfotle and others knew no fuch way, nay would as much nave derided it, as at a crucified qod, or the rcfurretl:ioQ from the dead : when then you fee a man diligently and de~ voutly atl:ing for that Religion he thinkcth the tr.lde, enquire, ··how he is affed:ed with Chrifls righteoufneffe, whether his _inward thoughts are of all things as drof.fe in comparifon of him; whether he be con{hntly in his prayers, as the lame man at t]le po()t of Bethefda, carnefi:ly longing to be put into this fountain ofliving water. ; all ~he prayers, all the zealous I •• wodhip P.,u/ was bufied in, was wholly dellitute of Chrift; and we fee in Popery, whar~ever defcriptions the Learn~d m.en ufe in their books, a·sif they would exalt Chrifi, yet the pratlifed devotion is wholy ignorant of a fpirituall applica. I tion er improving o(him; but their works, their devotions af:'complHhed,are the Chrill they make to themfelves. . 5, S'. Even thu hearty andconfcienciom ~ea! is tnfufficiencJ, ~e: Their wodhip citufe ~// th~Jreligion ~tnd'Worjhip, though dDne icfording to our is Idolatry and confcience, is Jet 1do!AtrJIInd blaJPhemy. Its not the error of ~!afphcmy. our confcience, or our rgnorance, that wil'l make thofe finncs no 'finnes; Indeed· ifGod did not regard ,onew.ty ofReli.· gion more then another, or that trut]l were not any-fuch thing indeed, but as men have thought and imagined, fo . truth lhould be; even as the colours in bird~ or foul, appear according eo the light that fhineth upon them; then fome• tbing might be faid in defence of this. But we fee the Scri– pture pronouncing ofall thofe Idolaters, who yet lived accor– ding to their crducation and knowledge, that they were I do· laters howfoever ; and as fuch wtr~ punifhed by God, and ~r Saviour faid; That which was highly eflecmed a· mongfi: men, vi~. in refpeel of worfhip and religion, is an abomination before God, -4Hk.; 16. Thus likewife w.e f~.e Paulwhen converted, doth acknowledge thofewayesof h1s, to be fu 1-1 of blafphemy and bloody perfecution, th01;sgh he thought he was bound to do' what he did. And by this you i!e,wbat little refuge there is in the_ pl~a. ofchofe who main– tain 'damna/J!e helrejies 1 and. whofe d,od:rines fprc~p like ~ · · _ · Cancer,