Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

T1ui Coiiterus. ' - truly godly, may not attain to aSpirit without guile in matters of Religion toward God , -and Duties toward man. · s B It M. - XI-I I. ; t ... \ Ad:s 26.9. IverilythD.ught 1wtUhoNndtldo wh11t I rlil~ , CMtr~try titheNAme of ::fef~of NAzaretll. I ' Sheweth, That fQr 1J.Jen to aCt unfeignedly according to ~heir Confciences without Guile ;, their 1wn WIIJ ~1 :Religion, cloth not demonftratethem to be fuch fin- _ cere me·nas God approves of, and ·unto whom the P·romifes belong. Aneceffary Item forthefetimes. S l! I. M• X I V. Pfal.xg:u. WhocA»Nnderjlt~hd hiJ ErriNr? CltA»fu lho• me fromftfr.et fins. Shewingwhenceitischat even a g'Qdly man may ·be greatly troubled and perplexed, fearing heis an.hy-: pocrite. . SEn.K. xv. Direeti?ns for a godly man that is afraid he is an Hy– pocnte. I s Jl R M . XVI. Shewe~h how hard it is to be acquainted with the Cor-– rupttons and Errours of our heaxts and lives,and chc Grounds of it.. . .