Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. ' ·' ~ I. The finner confiders not the majefry ofGqd. 1 Sin»e~ . and tranfgfe{tiom doth duly and deeply confider what he doth; he may have fome tranfient apprehenfions, but that dodi not deferve the 'name ofconlideration, for that is called fo from Sydm.,which is more then a bare firnple.fte//a; Itsnotjiella, but fuch a con.. junCl:ion of Starres, and that caufeth great influence ( 'they fay) in inferior things; fo toc?nfider, is not b.arely to appre– hend fuch a thing, but ~o-conJovn rnaay mottves and argu– ments together, not leaving till it doth produce fome good. The Hebrew phrafe is, to lay a thing upon our hearts, or t~ ·keep and hide fuch a thing in our hearts, as the woman did , :the lea.ven in her meal, letting it alone, till its virtue was dif .. fufed all over: Its the birds confiant fitting upon her eggs, that breeds young ones; fo the arguments thou art to con• .fider on againft finne, rnufl: never be taken offfrom thy hearr,· let them morning and evening be upon thee ; This fire ·.will not kindle fuch green wood, unletfe there be conftant blowing. Now I lhall fel~d: fome of the mgfl: powerfull and effica.: ·cious arguments againfi finne, that the finner doth not confi~ - der of. As . · · . 1. The majeflJ ,greatneffe and power ofthat God, 'lihcm he doth offend /Jy every Jinne. If the wrath of an earthly King be like the roaring of a lyon, ho\v urifpcakable is the anger of ari . infinite God 1 Did therefore every finner bu·t conGder the omnifcience, greatnelfe and power of God, he would fay to every folliciting·lufi,as Jofeph to his enticing Miftris, H{)W can I do thu andJinne aJ.ainf! God f Our Saviour he tells his Dif· ciples,whom they ihoold fear, even him, that iJ able to dejfroj foul and body in hcll,Luk.tz. 5. For want of this confideration, wicked men are fa id to forget God~ not to know, not to have him before their eyes, not to have him in their thooghrs. The Heathens admonition to him that defired to abflain from any dithonefl: way, was, to imagin fome grave, ri.gid, man as Cato before his eyes; but the Scr-ipture direCts us, to Walk, before God,and'(o \\1c /hall be perfeEl orJinctre. Ttlink cben with thy felf, Before whom do I commit this lewdnelfe? Is n~t Gods.fparkling,revengefull eye upon me, l would be afraid man lhould fee me, and yet man 'annot damne me: - · man · ' ' '