Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

'!'he gytllt B~lilUri sfGri4i::J: away for want ofthis; Well, how carelcffe thou now art; y.et the time iJ comihg when only Chritt, onlyGods ~avour wHfbe in reqne&. , ,aaaaaaaa•aaaaiMI!Ii S!RM~ XX. _'8v.tore~afons rPhJ the ·Soul truJ.yfon~ jible of Sinne:~ doth fo greatyprife par~ doning Cjract:...J., · / --------------~------~·--------~-··-- p SA Le 19• 13tt Who cAtu,ntle,jlqtlhuerr1rs? &le~nftthoN me ft~n~ fotrel jin11e1. . PArdon ofSinne (we have heard) is highly magnified by aa heart fenfible of its unfearchable faithfulnetf'e, and that from many confiderations, derived from the nature of Reafona fconi~ this pardon. There remain fome more from the concom• th~ cone£~ ·. mitants~or effetts of thiscleanfing. As . ~~::!~ ~~ J I. Where{oever there i4 A cleAnji11g ftom. thegNilt of.fi11nt, ~.· there id ;,{imeme•fure Al{o from the powtr Alldfilth ofit. Not Pardon of 1im but that juftihcation and fantlification are two difiinCl mer- brings with iit ~ies, which tbe ~apiB:s confound, only tkeyare· infeparaltty powe~ aga!~t tonjoync4 together, as light and bcaain the fire. This there- Gn. - fore muft raife an high efieem of thiscleanfing from theguile offione, becaufe it bath alwayes fuch a welcome attendant, it comes with fpirituall power and life,to eonqoer finne; That ~: hefe are twinne.• ia the wombof free gnu,appearcth,Rom.S. There id no c~ndemn11ti6n to thofe that ar1 in Chrifl (here is juftiftc~Jtion) ·whoW11lk., not ,.fter the jlefo hut ~Jfttr th1 fpirit, . ! ; - !lc~c; .. t i